News and Information
Thank you to the Crashdown Party Sponsors
August 09, 2000Posted by London2LA  
The Crashdown Party Staff would like to thank the following sponsors who
donated items for the 1st Annual Crashdown Party in Los Angeles:

Levi's: T-shirts provided for the giveaway bags

Powerstar Merchandise: Cast buttons and trading card promos for giveaway bags

Pocket Books: Several autographed Roswell High book sets for raffle/auction,
100 copies of Book 10 to sell at the party

McIllhenney's Co.: Several Tabasco gift sets, mini Tabasco bottles and
magnets, blow up Tabasco bottles for decoration, reproduction of Tabasco
cookbook (to be sold online soon)

Chattem, Inc.: Mudd masks for giveaway bags

Mudd Clothing: Three complete outfits for auction, three handbags for
auction, miscellaneous raffle items

Krispy Kreme Donuts: 45 dozen donuts!!!

Los Angeles Zoo: Passes for two for raffle

Sam's Club: 64 boxes used for food collection, paints and glitter glue used
to decorate boxes

Atlanta WB Affiliate: Roswell related raffle and giveaway items

Roswell Fanzine: Certificates for first Roswell Fanzine

FF Members: To those who donated items for the auction and/or raffle, thank
you so much! We know how difficult it is to part with those items and we
sincerely appreciate your sacrafice for the party! :-)

Roswell Production office: For all the items you donated, from the
autographed pictures to the wardrobe items, we cannot thank you enough!!!
Your generous donations truly made the party a night to remember!!!

Thank you to all the party sponsors!

from The Crashdown Party Staff

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