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Seventeen Magazine-Roswell Mentions
August 30, 2000Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Shandi for sending this in

I just got the October 2000 issue of Seventeen in the mail (with Drew
Barrymore on the cover) and there are a couple small Roswell pictures &
mentions.. First, on page page 98, there's a quiz called "What's Your
Fight Style" about how you go about handling a guy.. on the second page
of the quiz, there's a picture of Shiri Appleby at the top (along with
That 70's Show's Donna and Ally McBeal's Ling).. with the following
caption: Whose fight strategy most resembles your own? ARE YOU A
PACIFIST LIKE ROSWELL'S LIZ, a mediator like That 70's Show's Donna or a
tought girl like Ally McBeal's Ling?

Also, on page 150..the paged called "Spill It!" .. the question for
celebs to answer is "What's your best high school memory?" There's a
picture of Majandra Delfino (with her short hair, so it must be an old
picture) and here's her response:

"My best friend and I were in the same study hall, although the
principal had made an effort every year before to place us in separate
classes. What better class to misbehave with your best friend than study
hall?" --Majandra Delfino (Roswell)

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