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Interview with photographer Christina Radish
August 30, 2000Posted by Kenna  

Thanks to Sheila for sharing this with us!

Picture Perfect: Christina Radish
by Sheila Limontas
Freelance Journalist

Who is Christina Radish?
I am a 23-year-old professional celebrity journalist and photographer.

Why are you in Photography?
I chose journalism as a major in college and started photographing so that I could have photos to go with my articles when I worked on the university newspaper. I realized that both journalism and photography was something that I loved, so I just continued doing it.

How long have you been in photography?
I started taking pictures five or six years ago, but got into it professionally about four years ago.

How do you express yourself with your photography?
I love having the ability and access to capture celebrities in a way that people might not always view them. I like presenting them as real people.

Do you take pictures of anyone or thing, besides "Roswell"?
Since I am a celebrity photographer, I have photographed hundreds of recognizable, and not so recognizable, faces from film, television, music and sports.

How are you able to take or get pictures of the cast of "Roswell"?
Being a member of the press, I get access to events, parties, premieres, concerts, etc. in which cast members from "Roswell" may be in attendance.

What would you like to do in the next year?
I would like to study photography a bit more and get into doing sessions and studio photos with people.

If you haven't seen any of Christina Radish's work, please go to Take a look at the wonder of photography though the vision of a 'Picture Perfect' photographer.

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