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Teen Movieline-Majandra and Marieh Delfino
July 08, 2000Posted by Mandy  
Majandra and Marieh Delfino
Catch Up Over Sushi

Majandra Delfino (left) age 19, plays Maria, the earthling who’s the object of desire of one very strange alien (Brendan Fehr) on “Roswell. ” Her sister Marieh, (rhymes with Perrier), age 20, has starred in several plays in her hometown of Miami, Florida and is currently working the audition circuit in L.A.


“Every Thursday, Majandra and I have a ritual we’ve been doing for about a year-we eat dinner ar Sushi Ya on Sunset Boulevard. We get the same thing each time, two orders of lobster rolls each, and that’s all we eat. I’m obsessive compulsive about food. I must have something 24 hours a day until I’m sick of it. For a long time I was obsessed with cream cheese wrapped in Louis Rich Turkey Bacon. It sounds gross, but it’s so delicious. Anyway, back to our ritual. It started out as a massage/sushi evening but then we just dropped the massage part and went back to sushi. Sushi isn’t new to us. Ever since we were quite young, our father would encourage us to try different foods. We never reached his level of hardcore sushi eating, but we tried everything, including sea urchin, octopus and squid, to name a few. We liked sushi so much that every year we’d have it at Benihana’s for our birthdays. The good thing is that we never have to worry about our weight, so we can eat as much as we want. In fact, when I was younger I had a problem with being too skinny and I had to drink Ensure to get my weight up.”


“I always look forward to our sushi nights. Just like Marieh, I’m obsessed with the lobster rolls because they’re creamy and I love anything that’s creamy, especially chocolate. Right now I’m nuts about Rocher chocolate-it’s kind of a problem.. I’ll buy the box and go through the whole thing in one sitting-I can’t stop. Anyhow, Marieh and I usually go alone to sushi and we have such a great time. We don’t talk much about the Industry; most of the time we talk about boys we think are cute. Marieh’s in an acting class and we’ll talk about who’s interesting in the class. Don’t get me wrong-we’re not strict about going alone. One time we brought Brendan Fehr and his roommate with us, but they weren’t open to trying our lobster rolls. Brendan’s from Winnipeg so he hasn’t tried that many different types of foods. He stuck to the cucumber rolls. That’s all he had. Probably the reason I like our Thursday nights so much is that I get along very well with my sister. When we were growing up we never got along. But when I was about 16 we became friends. The probability of getting a cool sister is slim. My biggest goal is to costar in a movie with her. We might write a script together. We’d love to write an updated movie version of The Count of Monte Cristo, a book that our mother recently urged us to read, but that’s already being done.”

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