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Roswell stuff in Teen
June 28, 2000Posted by squanto  
Thanks to Daphny for sending this in!

*Kirsten Dunst on the cover*

Your letters

raves for "Roswell Rescuer"!

I read your "Roswell Rescuer" [May'00] article and I just had to tell you
that it blew me away. The part about putting animals to sleep and how much
people care about their pets was so touching that it made me cry. I had a dog
that died about a year ago and when Shiri Appleby talked about death and how
pets feel it comforted me. anyone who loves animals should read this article.
- J.G., 14, Calif.

Thank you for putting Shiri Appleby on the cover of your May issue! My friend
had to remind me to breathe when I saw it! When I grow up I want to be a vet
and it gave me something to think about. I can't believe that guy was going
to shoot his dog! - T.B. *

When I read the article about Shiri Appleby's adventure at the vet clinic, it
made me so happy. As an animal lover myself, I really could relate to her
experience. Plus, I'll be going to college soon to pursue my dream of
becoming a veterinarian. Thanks for a splendid article! - R.,18,Conn.

*Reader did not provide her age and/or state
picture of Shiri at the clinic is provided next to the letters.

pg.78 Celebrity Dish "Strange But True"

*Majandra Delfino writes so much poetry, she says she could become a hermit.

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