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Roswell Actors Ponder Their Fate
April 17, 2000Posted by squanto  
Thanks to Chaz and Nicole for sending this in


Roswell Actors Ponder Their Fate
Monday, April 17, 2000

With an apparently successful move to Monday nights and a revamped emphasis on science fiction, the cast of Roswell is paraphrasing a popular mantra from that other alien show: "The fans are out there."
Thanks to a massive Internet campaign, viewers from across the country are bombarding the WB with bottles — make that cases — of Tabasco sauce (a tasty treat for the fictional aliens of Roswell). The network has received thousands of bottles to date, but can the saucy effort save the freshman series?

The threat of cancellation permeated the atmosphere at the cult show's season-ending wrap party in Los Angeles last week. "If the WB's gonna say no, they're gonna say no," Brendan Fehr (Michael) laments to TV Guide Online. "But if the network is on the fence, this helps. Fans sending stuff in could really push it one way or another."

Co-star Katherine Heigl (Isabel) is flattered by the effort. "It's been a real awakening for us. I don't think any of us realized that people out there were so devoted to the show. It's made us work harder and appreciate being there."

Even an actor who comes from Hollywood royalty is blown away by the fan response. "The fact that there are people out there that I don't know, and who I don't tell to watch the show, who are putting this much effort, time, money and commitment into it, that's something that doesn't happen that often," a grateful Colin Hanks (Alex) tells us.

Coincidentally, Hanks recently launched his own SOS effort, to no avail. "I was a huge fan of Freaks and Geeks. I went to its web site and posted a bunch of stuff and sent e-mails to NBC along with everyone else."

Hopefully Roswell's saga will have a happier ending. — Eric Irondale

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