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Wanda mentions Backstreet Boy on Roswell (spoiler)
April 14, 2000Posted by squanto  
Thanks to behraholic for pointing out this mention in Wanda's column.

Less chucklesome is the news that Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough is going extraterrestrial for an upcoming Roswell. He'll have minimal lines (we're talking three words), and my sources say he won't interact with the leads. But hey, it's a start.

***Note, crashdown's sources tell us that Howie's scene is the next to last scene in the episode. The pod squad uses the communication orbs (from Sexual Healing and Crazy) which triggers communication devices used by other aliens on Earth. Howie is shown opening a drawer in a high rise Manhattan apartment, pulling out a beeping alien communication device, and staring at it. He then utters the words, "It has begun."

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