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Saving your Favorite Show
April 04, 2000Posted by NetRanger  
Thanks to Chaz for sending this in!

Phil Rosenthal, TV critic wrote an article on March 31 about ideas to save your favorite show. It is kind of a satirical look at it. You can read the whole article here

Here's an excerpt:

Saving your favorite show

March 31, 2000


Personally, I'm worried about "Sports Night" on ABC but holding out hope that NBC or HBO will pick it up. I'm also ticked at NBC for giving up on "Freaks and Geeks" and wish either the WB or Fox would take a chance.

Maybe you're anxious about the WB's "Roswell," which is on the bubble. Perhaps you're concerned about "Diagnosis: Murder" or "Chicago Hope" expiring on CBS. How about the new "Wonderland" on ABC?

Anybody give a hoot about Jennifer Love Hewitt and her troubled "Time of Your Life"? (Hmmm. Just as I suspected.)

Look, you know what you care about.

So you know what you have to do.

You need to make network executives care about what you care about..........

And a portion of the suggested letter:

Dear High-Powered Network Executive:
I was enjoying this new brand of beer I've never tried before while taking a break from surfing the Net (looking for just the right second car for me and the new spouse to buy with the windfall we made on our recent dot-com IPO) when I had realized just how picky I've gotten about what I watch on TV.

That's why I'm worried about .

This fine television series is one of the few shows I make sure I watch each week. It needs to be on your network next season.

It speaks to me, and all my affluent twentysomething and thirtysomething friends.

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