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Shiri Appleby in Seventeen
January 28, 2000Posted by Angela  
Thanks to squanto for passing this along from Seventeen Magazine. The article has some great pictures of Shiri that you can check out using the link.

Shiri Bliss

Introduction by Heather Muse
Interview by Amanda Rudolph


In the March seventeen, Roswell beauty Shiri Appleby tells you how she got the role of Liz Parker and shares some of her European vacation pix. Here at seventeen online, you can get more glimpses into Shiri's personality -- like what her favorite frozen candy is, why she scored sickeningly flawless skin (but we're not bitter), and how she goofs around on the Roswell set. Meanwhile, Shiri does double duty modeling two prom dresses by DeLaru (left) and Collette Dinnigan (next page). When she's a huge star, just remember where you saw her very first cover shoot!


"I live with a friend of mine that I've known since junior high. I moved out when I went to college, USC. It's great. It was definitely frightening at the beginning, but you learn a lot about other people and about yourself.... You kind of have to trust your instincts a lot more than you probably want to, and then it teaches you a lot of responsibility. I hate dishes and I have a big problem with taking out the trash and my roommate hates me. The trash and me, we just don't get along. The trash and dishes."

"I was really involved in high school. I was on all sorts of committees and I was yearbook editor for two years and into leadership. I was just, like, really involved in being involved in high school.... I won Most Spirited."

"I just got a cat. It's my first animal I've ever had. I got her from the pound. It's a she. I named her Abby. I was sitting in my parent's house and my brother was over from school when we brought her home. We didn't know what to name her, so my brother just started looking throught the dictionary and he saw 'Abby,' but not A-B-B-E-Y, like an abbey. For some reason, it kind of stuck."

"I bought myself a really nice, new digital camera. I just take it to the set and all the camera guys and I just sit around taking pictures. That's the only thing I've really bought. I always take pictures of my friends, kind of when they're not paying attention -- like doing the laundry or sitting around, just hanging out.

"I take a lot of random, goofing around pictures on the set. Well, Majandra [Delfino] really plays it up for me. She gives me what I need. Her and Brendan [Fehr] are really great with the camera. And the crew is so hysterical and so funny. They'll do anything."

"I barely wash my face. My mom has beautiful skin. Both my parents never really had acne. But I've never had, like, a pimple right in the middle of my cheek. I was really lucky."

"I kind of just hang out. I'm one of those. I freeze Reese's Pieces. I'm a frozen Reese's Pieces kind of girl."

"At the mall, these two little girls came up to me and said, 'You look a lot like the girl from Roswell,' because my hair was different. It didn't have the part. So I parted my hair for them because they were like, I was like, 'Look, it's okay.' Anyone who's come up to me has been really, really great." •


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