FanFic - Poetry
Part 1
by Britty
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
It's a journey to the unknown
feelings about things i never knew i could have.
Expectations to fullfill,
where is my home?
remember, remember my unknown, mysterious, deep secrets i once knew
and journey through the past.
I had it, then lost it in a brief second.
is this home for me?
is this what love feels like?
stars to where they lead, no one will know
but where they lead me i shall go upon
that path of firey red gases and rocks
to fulfill what i know as my dream and goal in life.
The balls of steaming fire flicker
between the space of the universe.
deep spacious black holes
if i fall, i must take a journey through the dark valleys
to meet the fluffy white clouds in the sky, and my dreams,
to go through those dark tunnels to reach high above where i can breath once
and act upon what i love.
Stars above shine like your eyes,
is that where home is, in your eyes?
For a lost soul eager to find yourself too
from where the darkest places set to where the brightest places rise
i will find it one day,
i don't know what yet, but i will find my journey to those firey balls of
flameing rocks and gas....
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