FanFic - Poetry
Part 1
by Karen
Disclaimer: I don't own roswell or its characters.
Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
And she said Yes--
If life had been different,
if he had not fallen from the sky the way he had,
been what he was,
Still the answer would have been the same

And she said Yes--
Despite all the pain she felt later,
and there was pain beyond imagining
when he went back up,
The joy of the moment was worth that

And she said Yes--
Before he acknowleged that he was going
but still he knew, on the inside he knew
that he was going away (home? away? home? away?),
He came to see her, and did not ask

Yet she said Yes--
When he came, not asking
but wanting to ask more than anything,
because he was going, losing her, and he needed her,
She heard the question anyway

And she said Yes.

Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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