Fanfic - Poetry
"My Lost Love"
Part 1
by Avari
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Let me enjoy my fantasies of a luscious naked JB.
Summary: Maria talks to Michael in the not too distant future- this is a depressing poem
Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
My lost love;
Whenever the rain falls,
I think of you.
Your ghost seems to hover
Closer then,
And I dream in vivid color
Of children and
Mermaids, and green woods.
The damp seeps
Into the little house that we shared
So briefly,
And I hold my breath for fear
Of living.
Loneliness has more power than
Love. Dark
Dreams come at night, and I
Wake screaming.
The dawn is vague and hazy,
And the moon
No longer shines upon me.
I sit at your
Graveside, with the wind licking
Cold at my
Back, and imagine myself burrowed
Warm and deep,
Safe in a cocoon of Earth,
Wrapped in
Eternity with you, our bones fallen
Together in
The endless shadows of eternal
Night. Then the
Baby kicks, and I gasp out one more
Choking sob
Before I accept helplessness. I am
Doomed to
Live, and no escape is foreseeable.
I loved you
More than life, but my love for our child
Is stronger, and
Better, for you left me, and I shall never
Forgive you that.
I lay my hand on my stomach, on the
Swell of our
Child, and then I shiver once in the cool
Air, dreaming
Your fingers against mine, an airy kiss
Against my
Cheek. I look back once as I step away,
And pray for
Strength. Your tomb glistens in the bath
Of the moon.
I walk away, away from you this time,
And leave
My heart where it lies, in the cold ground.