FanFic - Poetry
Part 1
by Jude
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
One year ago, as I recall,
I came upon this site
So small it was, that - shockingly --
It didn't crash at night!

It started very modestly,
But soon began to flower.
Gone were the days when reading it
Would only take an hour.

And then Roswell became a force,
And so the site did, too --
The posters swarmed the boards, and soon,
We had ourselves a zoo!

Each time an episode would air,
Our poor Crashdown became
The only site that, sadly,
Ever lived up to its name.

And while we saw creative posts,
The clever, witty kind...
The posts on who was hotter
Really caused our teeth to grind.

And as the topics multiplied,
We saw the site expand.
Servers were switched a few times
Just to handle the demand.

But still our Crashdown grew,
Until there came that awful news,
That Roswell might be cancelled!
So, with nothing more to lose...

The site urged fans to send
Tabasco Sauce in by the case;
The WB saw red when faced with
All Roswell's fan base!

The campaign for renewal changed
The minds of net execs...
Although the show would focus
More now on sci-fi than sex.

Crashdown and Roswell's fans
Had changed the course of their fave show,
But why just thirteen episodes,
I guess we'll never know.

We proved that all the members
At Crashdown could NOT be wrong --
Our bash in L.A. drew a crowd
Four-hundred fifty strong!

So now the site is one year old.
It's what we come here for!
So Happy Birthday, Crashdown!
Here's to many, many more!
