"Girl's Night" |
Part 1 by M. N. |
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters: however I wish I did. Melinda Metz and creators of the T.V. series did that for all of us to enjoy. Thank you for letting us borrow them. Summary: Two weeks after the “Balance” when Max breaks up with Liz. Liz invites Maria and Isabelle over for a Girl’s Night. It’s been a long time tradition for Maria and Liz to sleep over once a month. There’s a change this month, they decided to include Isabelle. Isabelle has been spending more time with Liz and Maria. She feels a new found freedom with them. She doesn’t have to hide her secret, and the special powers that entails from them. Category: Other Rating: PG Authors Note: Spoilers: Pilot through Balance |
Liz is sitting on her bed dialing a number on the phone. “Hello Isabelle, my parents said yes to you and Maria coming over Friday Night. I already let Maria know. So, are you able to come right after school.” “My folks said it was fine. Liz, do I need to bring anything?” “Just your clothes, sleeping bag, pillow, and anything else you think you might need. My parent are covering the rest. They said they’re tired if seeing me moping around, and they figured that having some friends around would cheer me up.” “Liz, how are you hanging in there?” “I’m fine, why does everyone keep asking me that?” You could hear stress in her voice. “Sorry Issy, I didn’t mean for that to sound so harsh.” “I know you say that your fine Liz, it’s just - you haven’t been acting like yourself.” “Isabelle, really I’m doing fine. I just miss Max, and he doesn’t make this any easier on me. It seems like every time I turn around he’s there. I hate this ‘Let’s be friends.’ thing. I don’t what to just be friends, I want what we had.” “Your parents are right Liz. You need a girl’s night!” ********** Liz, Maria, and Isabelle walk over to Max and Isabelle’s Jeep. Isabelle is pulling her gear out of the back when Max walks over. “Hello, so tonight’s your big night out. What kinds of things do you do on at Girl’s night?’” Max asked looking mischievous.” Alex had already filled him and Michael in on the typical sleep overs that he had attended at Liz’s. Of course that was years ago. Alex had a feeling that not that much had really changed in the nights agenda. “It’s our secret, and until you get a sex change big brother. You’ll never know.” Isabelle answered with a calculating smile. She just loved to tease Max when ever she got the chance. “Very fun Issy. Wouldn’t waist the time. Thanks to my sources I already have a good idea of what you’ll be doing to night. Do you three need a ride to the Crashdown?” Max was hoping theat they would accept his offer. He wanted an excuse to be around Liz for as long as possible. He misses the way she used to look at him, the talks that they shared, but what he missed most was the way she felt in his arms and the touch of her lip. “No thanks Max. I have my mom’s car today.” Liz knew that she couldn’t be around Max more than she had to be. It was hard enough not to think about the kisses that they had shared on her terrace. She longed for the sensation of his lips against hers, and the way he gently touched her that made her fill safe and whole. What she felt wasn’t lust, like that of her peers. It was more than that, much more. These feelings made being around Max excruciating. Maria knew of Liz’s torment, she felt it herself every time she saw Michael. “Thanks for the offer Max. We’ll see you around.” Maria grabs a hold of Isabel’s sleeping bag and Liz’s arm, and starts walking toward the Liz’s car. “Where’s your stuff Maria?” Isabelle asks not seeing any other bags in the car. “It’s already at Liz’s, my mom had to go by the cafe earlier today, and she promised to drop it off for me.” After loading Isabel’s stuff in the car they headed over to the Starship Video Store. ********** Inside the video store Isabelle asks, “What movies should we rent?” “Liz and I have had a long tradition of watching, at least one love story, and then when it’s over we make up our own ending. One that sounds more true to life. Movies always have these unbelievable “Happily Ever After” endings. We like to figure out how their lives really would turnout.” Sounds intriguing, are there any rules I should know about? “There only one rule and that is to have fun. Liz’s stories usually has everything work out for the couple in the end. Me, I like a more realist ending.” “Hey, I know what you think of my endings, but you have to admit I have had a few that you wished they had really used in the movie. Now, get back on track. We came to pick out a couple of movies. Do you have a preference Isabelle?” “I haven’t seen ‘Never Been Kissed’ yet, I heard it was pretty good.” “Fine, what else should we get?” “I could really use a comedy, I need a laugh.” admits Liz. “Yeah, Okay.” Agrees Isabelle. “Do you have a suggestion?” “Lets go see what they have.” They start listing off a few movies such as ‘Wish Upon a Star’, ‘Pleasantville’, ‘My Father , The Hero’, and ‘That thing you do” (Every one of these movies has one of the Roswell cast in it.) They finally decide to see a Seasonal new release. “How about Jack Frost. We could actually see some snow. We’re not going to get any around here.” “Sounds good, Lets get out of here.” “Then Jack Frost it is.” Liz takes their two choices up to the counter. ******** Max and Michael are sitting on Max’s bed. “Max, what do you think Isabelle is doing about now.” Max grins at Michael. “Are you sure your wondering about Isabelle, or could you be thinking about you know that girl, Maria?” Michael grins at Max. “About Maria, Nah, never, and your not thinking about Liz, are you? “Actually I wasn’t. I was wondering what book Milton might suggest to me next. Some of the books he’s given me to read have been really interesting. I’m hoping that I’m able to find out something that could help us answer some questions.” “Max, don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad that your back on track. It’s just you’ve been stuck in your books for two weeks now. Don’t become completely abscessed. I’m out of here. Hank’s been being a really jerk these days. He ordered me to be there tonight or that he would, well you know.” “Try to stay out of his way, and if you need a place to stay.” “Yeah, thanks.” ******** Liz, Maria, and Isabelle are coming in the upstairs door. “Isabelle, I think I can speak for both Maria and myself, we are really glad that you joined us tonight. It’s going to be a lot of fun.” “Definitely. It has already been a interesting start.” After getting settled in they decide to watch their first movie. “Now which movie shall we start with?” “How about Jack Frost first” offers Liz “I could really us a good laugh.” “Jack Frost it is.” Maria and Isabelle both had noticed that Liz just has been the same for a few weeks now. She was trying to put on a good front, it just wasn’t good enough to full them. Maria had know Liz alone time and she could see right through her. Isabelle on the other hand was a very observant person. She enjoyed watch and figuring people out. They watched “Jack Frost” and after talking about everything that was wrong and right with the movie. They decided it could use a new ending. This was suppose to end happy. Not with a “I’ll see you when you die ending”. So they decided the new ending should be, I’ll see you the next big snow. “This really is fun, are we ready for our next victim?” Isabelle asked and followed with a devious laugh. “How about we go down stairs to the cafe and get a bit to eat first” begged Maria . “Yeah I am getting hunger myself. What about you Liz?” “Good idea, we should probably go now before they get to busy.” They sit in the first booth. Jane hands Liz and order booklet. “Here, write down your own order, I’m taking a break.” She walks back in to the break room. “Liz, your dad has got to fire that lady. There is no one worst to work with, and you know she is bad for business. She is so rude and lazy.” “Yeah, I know. He said that he wanted to find a replacement first. Are you interested Isabelle?” “No! Don’t even think about it. I did you a favor that one day. I don’t want to ever do it again.” “How can you say that, we worked so go together. Plus you have to admit you had fun. Even if it was in a strange way.” “No, I don’t have to admit any such thing.” She than smiled to herself. Maria’s right, she had enjoyed herself. “If you change your mind. I’d be glad to talk to my dad for you. Now what do you want to eat?” “Cherry Soda and a Blue Moon Burger.” “What about you Maria?” “Alien Blast and Trekkie Special.” Liz starts to get up from the table. “Liz you didn’t write anything down for yourself.” “Your right, I guess I ‘m just not used to writing my own order. I’ll that lemon lime and an order of alien finger.” “Is that all your getting?” Maria looks concerned. “I’m not real hungry right now, and I figure we’ll be have popcorn and other such junk later.” Liz takes the order to the kitchen and then grabs their drinks. Isabelle had caught the look of concern on Maria’s face. “What’s up Maria, you looked really concerned just then.” “It’s probably nothing?” “What’s probably nothing?” “Liz usually eats more than I do, but lately she’s been either skipping meals or see picks at the food. She always says she’s just not hungry. Besides not eating right, she’s been behaving different.” “Yeah, I noticed the difference in her behavior, but I didn’t know that she hadn’t been eating well. Do you think this has to do with Max and their breakup?” “No doubt. I also know that she’s been trying to hide the fact that it bother her so much.” “Shhhh... she’s coming.” “Here you go. So what are you to talking about?” Isabelle lies, “We just came up with a new ending for “Jack Frost.” “Tell me about it.” “We’ll they all decided to move to Alaska where it stays colder. That way Jack doesn’t have to die at all. They can stay together forever.” “That sounds worse than any ending I think I’ve ever heard.” “Yeah your right.” They all began to laugh. ******** Isabelle and Maria finished their dinner. They both noticed that Liz had just picked at her fries. “Well it’s time to get back to our next victim. Liz why don’t you bring your plate up with you?” “No that’s alright, it’s like I said, I wasn’t really hunger anyway.” They filled their drinks back up, and set their plates in the sink on the way upstairs. ********* “How about we change into our night clothes. That way we can get more comfortable.” Suggests Liz. “ that way we can all get comfortable.” They each change in to their P. J.’s. Liz puts on a blue and white stripped silk short set. Maria wears a long night shirt with a bunny rabbit and a teddy bear hugging and it reads, ‘If you love me, show me.’ Isabelle wears her red silk night shirt and pants set. They spread their sleeping bags out on the floor in front of the T.V. Liz’s mother into the Living Room. “Well it looks like you have all gotten comfortable. I put some snacks out for you, and if you need anything just let me know. Good Night girls.” ******** Watching “Never been kissed” during the scene with the bananas, we hear them all saying, “That is so gross!” Maria declared “That was so not needed!” “Liz do you believe they can do that in a P.G. movie? “I think their stretching the boundaries on these ratings again?” ******** As the movie ends they all wipe tears from their eyes. “It’s to bad, that in real live, love doesn’t always have a happy ending.” “Okay, Isabelle here’s the deal. You either change the ending or continue it and tell us what happens next. I’ll give you and example. I think they have a beautiful couple of weeks together and then, he realizes that she has to high of expectations for their relationship. He gets cold feet and decides they shouldn’t see each other anymore. He tells her that he is alone and that he needs it to stay that way. He doesn’t want any strings holding him down.” “Aren’t we a little negative this week. Isabelle asks and starts to laugh. Does it have to be so depressing or can I have a happier ending.” “You choose.” “I’d think that he found out about her article sooner than he did. He heard it when it came on the radio. He rummages through the papers he has around the room, and finally finds a copy. He sits down in the middle of the mess he has made, and reads the article for himself. He decides to forgive her, but keeps running into delay after delay on the way to the stadium. The suspense comes from will he make it in time. Your turn Liz.” “Not bad Isabelle I think you got the idea. Okay, I think that they have a really passionate weekend, but he has to go end the other relationship in person. So, he’s gone for a while. When he returns, they date for say - a year. They get married. Both are able to continue working toward their personnel goals in life, bring out the best in each other. After a few year she gets pregnant and they have a few kids. Their both able to continue to climb up the corporate ladder so to speak. He becomes the Principal or something equally as boring, but enjoys it because he enjoys working with teens. She has her own column and is able to work from home. Most important their love grows stronger everyday they are together.” “Isabelle her endings are always like this, she such a dreamer.” “Liz, she is right, your a hopeless romantic? Do you really think life is always a happy ending?” “I know it never happens like that, but one can hope right? I want a happy ending. Don’t we all?” “Okay Isabelle, before this goes any further you know the rules. You can’t talk about anything that is said here with anyone.” “Of course.” “It’s time to fess up Liz. We both know that you and Max are off. So how are you handling it?” “I thought I found my happy end, you know. My soul mate.” “Max?” Isabelle looks surprised. “Your soul mate!” “Yeah! When I’m with him the world seemed to stop. I felt like no matter how crazy thing got, it would all workout. As long as we were together. I felt loved and safe. When he touched me it us magic. Just the feel of his hand holding mine. I couldn’t get enough of him.” “What about now Liz?” “Tears began to well up in her eyes. It hurts. Every time I see him, what ever normalcy I was getting back in my life goes right out the window. The worse part is I see him all the time. He still wants to hang around and be friends. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate him, I would rather be friends than nothing at all, but I need time to heal first. He doesn’t understand that. I can’t bring myself to tell him. I’m afraid I’ll start crying in front of him and then he’d try to comfort me. I’d lose my mind if he did that.” “Liz, way do you think he is your soul mate. Were not even from this planet. Wouldn’t that be a cruel joke by the fates.” “Not really, because he is here on this planet. You guys don’t even know what your planet is like. Maybe your people came here because they thought that it was beautiful here.” “Why Max, I mean I love him and all, but he’s my brother. Why do you ...Love him? Especially knowing that were .... different?” “To be honest, you three seem more human to me than most people I know. Why should it matter that your not from this Earth. You don’t look any different than us. When I look at Max I don’t think “Alien Guy” I think about how gentle and considerate he is. And it doesn’t hurt that he has deep soulful eyes. Face it Isabelle you brother is a hottie!” “You think he’s a hottie?” Isabelle tries to fight back a laugh. “Isabelle trust us he’s a hottie. Haven’t you ever heard how the girls a school talk about Max?” “I guess I never really paid that much attention to them. Do you feel the same way about Michael?” “That he’s a hottie?” “Well yeah, and the soul mate thing.” “He’s defiantly cute, and in good shape, but he could use some grooming tips. Soul mate, I don’t know about that, I’m still trying to figure out what we are. All I know is he’s exciting different, and when he touched me it was explosive. His touch sent a wave of heat through my whole body. It was like he put a spell on me . When he kissed be the first time I thought I was going to faint it was so intense. Then when it was over all I could think about was wanting more. Isabelle he couldn’t do that could he, I mean he couldn’t really put a spell on me, could he?” Shaking her head. “I don’t think so.” “Now Isabelle I’ve told you about Max, and Maria told us about Michael. It’s your turn. We’ve seen you with Alex. Is there something between you two?” “I’m not sure. He is a really sweet guy, but I have kept myself so protected for so long I don’t know if I’m ready to let anyone in.” “I think that it might be the same with Michael and Max. Do you think that you three are meant to be alone? Or is it possible that destiny stepped in and the three of us found out about your secret.” “How do you mean Maria?” “We’ll to start, there are three of you, 2 guys and 1 girl. Then theirs us, 2 girls and 1 guy. When Liz was shot Max was there to save her.” “I see and then very next day we had to do that mouth cell test. Max left to avoid doing it, but he left behind a sample on his pencil.” “Right, then of course Liz had to tell me because I was at the Crashdown when she was shot. I know to much to leave me wondering around like a lose cannon.” “Then Max and I got into that wreck. We had to pull Alex in because we needed his blood.” “I see where this is going. Liz had to tell Alex when they were in jail because again he know to much to let wonder around telling anyone who mattered, i.e. Toposki and Valenti.” “Right” “That doesn’t mean we belong together.” “Your right, but their is something that has to be added to the equation.” “ What’s that Liz?” “I have had a crush on Max for probably as long as he has had one on me. And Alex has had a crush on you since 5th grade.” “I admit that have thought about Michael from time to time as well.” Maria’s face is a bright crimson. This was something that she has never admitted to anyone before. “See what I mean about destiny?” “I see what you are saying. It’s like how Maria and Michael where assigned to work together on that history project. Michael need a car and took Maria with him. And one more.” What’s that? “Liz do you remember how we were talking about wanting to know what was up with Alex. Before we told him our secret. I said I would check into it.” “Yea, what did you mean by that?” “We have the ability to enter into you dreams. We don’t hurt you or anything. I do it to find out what people are think about. We call it Dream Walking.” “Did you do that to me?” Maria thinks about a dream she had when she was still scared of them. ‘Yeah Maria, I did before that meeting with Valenti. I was worried that you were going to lose it. The point is I checked on Alex.” “That’s invading some ones privacy.’ “Liz, that’s what Max always says. I needed to find out what was going on with him. The thing is that was the first time really saw Alex. He was dreaming about me. Not the way most guys do, and believe me I know. He was dreaming about a romantic evening. Just being with me, not mauling me like the others. It was so sweet, I found myself wishing it were real. Maybe this destiny thing isn’t so far fetched after all. Adding in the fact that Alex was dreaming about me when I went to visit his dream.” “This is great. We figured out that destiny is playing with us. What can we do about it?” “Better yet what do we want to do about it? Do we want these guys. If so how do we give destiny (our guys) a push.” Isabelle knows that she has Liz and Maria’s full attention. “We have to figure out what is holding them back. Then we use it in our favor.” “How do you mean use it in our favor?” Liz doesn’t like playing games with peoples emotions. “You tell me Liz. What do think is keeping Alex from asking me out?” “That’s easy he’s afraid that you would turn him down.” “Okay, how could we help him over come that fear?” “We build up his self esteem.” “Now remember we don’t want to change who he is. If we build up his self esteem to much he could end up with a swollen head. That is if he believes us at all.” “Another problem with that. It would take to long. What if you two simple tell him that I told you I want him to ask me out.” “He’d think we were playing a practical joke on him.” “Maria’s right. Liz stop to think for a moment. You said that you don’t hurt anyone when you go into their dreams. Have you ever tried to plant a subconscious messages?” “When I was younger I used to do it all the time.” “What kind of messages, and to who?’ “Maria, stay focused. Have you ever... no you couldn’t have. Can we go into dreams with you?” “I’ve never tried that before. I don’t know. We can try it.” “Here’s my plan.” Liz tells them what she wants to try. “I need a photo of Alex, do you have one? Even a yearbook will do.” Liz walks into her room to get a picture and quickly returns. “What time is it?” “Time matters? “ “Maria he has to be a sleep to be dreaming.” “Yeah right. My watch says 10:15.” “Lets wait a little longer. We want to make sure he is a deep sleep.” “My mouths getting dry. I’m going down to fill my glass. Can I get anyone else some?” “I’ll take another Cherry Cola.” “I’ll take the same, Liz. Do you want any help?” “I got Maria don’t. I’ll be right back. Oh if you want any popcorn or chip and stuff. It’s still in the Kitchen.” “Maria, can I ask you a question about Liz?” “What about?” “Earlier you said she hadn’t been eating right. How bad do you think its gotten? I saw how little she ate. It wasn’t but a few fries.” “I’m worried. She’s been like this for at least the last week, maybe longer. I mean its probably not been long enough to really hurt her, but it can’t be healthy either.” “I’m thinking about mentioning to Max. His biggest fear is not being able to protect her. What if I try to help him see how much he is hurting her.” “It could back fire you know.” “I know, Some how I need to “get him to realize, he needs her. “What are you two talking about?” “We were trying to figure out how to get Max to realize how much he needs you.” “Isabelle and I think he’s going to be the hardest one of the three.” “I know Max is going to take more time than the others. He has to resolve some questions about himself. He just isn’t ready for a relationship with me. Liz tried to smile. He’ll come around someday. Lets check and see if Alex is a sleep yet.” “You’ll want to lay down so that we can hold hands. They all lay on their stomachs so they can reach into the circle. Isabelle holds Maria’s hand to the right. Here is how I want to try this, we need to all think about Alex, and stay relaxed. Let me do the rest.” She touches Alex’s picture then takes Liz’s hand. It works, they find themselves in the Crashdown Cafe. Alex is sitting at the counter talking to Isabelle. Only it’s a dream Isabelle. Maria grabs Liz’s hand and they go over to Alex. “Can we talk to you alone Alex.” “Sure.” (The dream Isabelle just disappears, and they are now sitting in a booth.) Maria continues, “Isabelle told us that she wants you to ask her out.” “You have to ask here out Alex. She really wants to go out with you.” “You can’t wait anymore. You have to ask Isabelle out now.” “Ask her out Alex.” They get up and walk away. Isabelle knows that it is her turn, so she walks over to Alex and sits across from him. “You wanted to ask me something.” “Isabelle will you go to the movies with me tonight.” “Yes, Alex I would enjoy that.” Liz and Marie walk back over to Alex. Maria starts the whole message over again. Isabelle gets up and walks over to the counter. They repeat it two more times. Just to make sure that things go right tomorrow. Isabelle opens her eyes, and they are all still lying on their sleeping bags. “Whooo! I wasn’t sure I could get us all in. But I did it.” “Do you think it’s going to work.” “We’ll find out tomorrow, Maria.” “Do you think he’ll remember the dream?” “He might, but he has no reason to believe it was anything but a dream. When we go through this whole thing with him tomorrow, he’ll more than likely have one major sense of repetition.” “It’s time to move on to Michael.” Maria is hoping things go as well with him as they did with Alex. “Any suggestions Liz.” “First of all, what do you two think is holding him back?” “Isabelle you’ve known him longer than we have. What do you think.” “I think he’s been a loner for so long, that he is afraid to get to close to anyone. He is afraid of letting anyone in or of needing anyone. It’s like he knows he has Max and me. He figures that is enough.” “What would it be like if he didn’t have you and Max. That thought would scare me. To be all alone. No family, no friends. That would be horrible.” “That’s it Maria. That would be a nightmare for anyone.” “That one scares me Liz. I couldn’t do that to anyone.” ‘The idea is to scare him just enough to wake him up. We just want to make him think about the life he is choosing for himself. Even if he doesn’t decide to be with Maria.” “Hey.” Maria interrupts “Sorry Maria, I hope you two end up together, but even if you don’t. I don’t want Michael to end up alone. Michael should have a better life than that could bring.” “So how do we do it? How do we get him to realize that he needs to let others in, or he could end up alone?” “I have an idea.” “What is it Maria?” “Isabelle I need to deliver the message. I think that’s the only chance this message might lead him back to me.” Maria tells them of her plan. They agree with Maria’s plan and reform their circle. Isabelle pulls a picture of Michael, Max and herself out of her bag. She carries this picture around with her everywhere. ******** Michael is dreaming about finding the fourth alien. Isabelle and Liz stand away from Maria. Isabelle was worried that Michael would realize that this wasn’t his own dream if he saw her. Maria calls Michael. She needs to get his attention. “Michael. Michael.” “Who’s there?” “It’s me Michael. I’ve been brought here to give you a message.” “What kind of message?” “A warning Michael.” “A warning?” “You need to make a choice. Either you start letting People into your life or you will end up be alone.” There’s no answer so Maria continues. “Everyone needs someone to share their live with. If you continue to close yourself off from the possibility of love, you will always be alone. There may come a time when you get hurt, it happens to all of us, but if you never take the chance you are guaranteed to a life full of pain and loneliness. Open yourself up to know love, or you will live your life alone and you will die alone. Michael you have a great capacity to love. Don’t be afraid to show it. Michael no one should be alone. You shouldn’t destine yourself to be alone.” Maria backs away so Isabelle will know that she is finished. The girls leave. However Michael continues to dream. “I am a lone I’m meant to be alone.” He expected a response. “Are you still there? Where did you go? Is anyone there? Someone answer me. Isabelle? Max? Where are you? Maria? Are you there?” He is suddenly surrounded by a darkness, a darkness that he has never known. He realizes that he is truly alone. He started running and calling for someone to answer him. “I don’t want to be alone. Max, Isabelle, Maria, Liz, Alex someone answer me. I don’t want to be alone. Answer me.” Michael sits up in his bed. He is covered with perspiration. He can’t sleep any more so he puts his jeans and shoes on. Grabs a fresh shirt and climbs out the window. ******** Isabelle opens her eyes right after Maria starts to back away from Michael. “Maria, you did great! You sure gave him something to think about.” Liz tells her. “ Do you think it worked? Do you think he’ll come back to me?” “Yeah I do... and Maria, if you believe in fate, then so do you, and even if you don’t; I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’ll come around.” “Thanks Liz. I needed that.” Isabelle gets their attention when she says, “It’s time for us to figure out how to help Max.” “What’s making Max pull back from Liz. What is he afraid of?” “Max is more complex. He’s my brother and I can’t even figure him out sometimes.” When I saw Michael and Maria together, I ask Max why it was okay for them and not us? He told me it was because he was afraid that things would work out great between us, and then he would end up hurting me. He never plained on me hurting him.” “How could you have hurt him?” “I hurt him when I backed away from the circle when Michael was sick. I think that he may have misread my actions. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help Michael. It was that I was scared. Scared that it could happen to him. That he could get sick and I wouldn’t know how to help him.” “Liz you can’t blame your self for this. There has to be more to it then that. Max wouldn’t hold that against you. If anything he saw the fear and pain that you were feeling. You said it yourself, he never wanted to cause you any pain.” “That’s it, I know what do Liz.” Isabelle says with excitement in her voice. “Liz I want you to write a letter to Max. A letter telling him everything that you are feeling. The truth about the way you are felling. All of it, your feelings, your fears, thing that you have kept bottled up inside you for the last few weeks. Do you understand?” “Yeah, but why?” “I’ll explain later. Right now I need to go into Max’s dream alone. He recognizes me when I dream walk in his dream. I figure that’s because I’ve visited him so many times.” Isabelle lays down and touches the picture of Max. Max is sitting at the cafe watching Liz. ******** “Hey Max, don’t you get enough of this when your awake?” Max turns a bright red, he’s been caught still mooning over Liz. “What are you doing here Is. I figured that you would be have fun with Maria and Liz, not dropping in on me. Is it that Liz and Maria fell asleep already, and your bored so you come to bother me?” “No Max. Their still awake. They went down stairs for drinks. I came because I needed to ask you a something.” “Couldn’t it have wait till morning?” “Aren’t we grumpy. Max I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it was important.” “Sorry Issy, what did you need to know?” “Have you noticed any differences in Liz lately?” “What kind of differences?” Max raises his eyebrows as he tries to figure out what Isabelle is talking about. “She’s been really edge tonight, and well Maria told me that her parents are worried about her. They called her last night and wanted to knew what was bothering Liz.” “No I haven’t noticed any difference in her.” “Thanks anyway, I better get back before they return.” She starts to leave and stops. “Oh, wait there’s one more think. You eat lunch at the same time she does, right?” “Yeah, why?” “Maria also said Liz’s parents had asked her if Liz had been eating at work the last couple of weeks. It seems that she hasn’t been eating at home. She just tells them that she not hungry.” “Has she been?” “No. Have you noticed if she’s been eating at lunch?” “You know a hadn’t really thought much about it, but now that you mention it, she hasn’t been coming to lunch.” ******** Max woke up when he heard his window opening. He opened his eyes to see Michael climbing into his room. “Hey Max, do you mind if I crash here for the night?” “Help yourself. Did something happen with Hank?” “No, I just had a bad one, and really didn’t what to be alone.” “No problem.” “Max that must have been one heck of a dream you were having. I knocked on the window at least three times before opening it.” “What, you knocked?” Max asked with amusement. “Yeah, I didn’t feel like getting hit with that bat of yours.” Michael not wanting to think about his own dream ask: “What where you dreaming about?” “No, it wasn’t really a dream. Isabelle was visiting me. She wanted to know if I’d noticed some changes in Liz. It seems that her parent’s have had some concerns about her lately.” “Concerns? Concerns about what?” “Isabelle said Liz has been depressed and short tempered lately, and they believe what ever is causing her to fell this why is all so effecting her appetite.” “I know you Max, Your thinking it has to do with you breaking up with her, aren’t you.” “Yeah I am, and I was wondering why I hadn’t noticed any changes in Her. I see her all the time.” “Max you can’t blame yourself for Liz’s problems. Don’t get me wrong. I know you care for her. This is just one of those things Liz has to work out for herself. You can’t go traipsing in there to help her get over you. It doesn’t work that way. Unless you don’t want her to get over you. And to answer your question about how come you didn’t notice the difference. That’s easy you’ve been oblivious to everything around you lately. Your constantly read those books Milton keeps giving you.” ******** Isabelle finishes reading the letter Liz wrote for Max. She has tears running down her checks. “Liz this is good, really good. Now do you have an envelope that we can put it in? Liz walks over to the cabinet behind the couch. She opens a drawer, and pulls an envelope out, and writes “Max” on the front. Then while handing the envelope to Isabelle, she asks, “Now when do I give it to him?” “You don’t .” “What? Then why did I write it?” “Listen, at first I thought about you writing your feelings in an entry into your journal, and leaving it laying around for Max to find. However I realized that even if Max did find it, he wouldn’t read it. So I figured, if you wrote it in a letter, addressed to him, and then we left it laying somewhere for him to find. He would be more likely to read it. The key is, Max gets to read about what you are going through and how you feel. But because you didn’t deliver the letter to him it puts the ball in his court so to speak. If he wants to talk to you about it he can bring it up. But if he doesn’t, he won’t feel cornered. “That’s fine and dandy Isabelle, but how do make sure he finds her letter?” “It’s easy Maria. My mom asked him to pick me up when he gets off work tomorrow. We’ll just put is some where he can’t miss it.” “And where would that be?” “Some place not to obvious, but it has to be visible.” “How about on my dresser, and we put your things on the ground right next it?” “Oh great it 3:45 in the morning. I had better get some sleep. I’m supposed to work the afternoon shift. Maria yawns and climbs into her sleeping bag. Good night.” “We should all get some sleep. Tomorrow should be filled with lots of new developments. Good night Liz and Marie.” “Good night.” ******** Max is having trouble sleeping. He is really worried about Liz and what she must be going through. He keeps contemplating what Michael had said. How he had to let Liz get over him. He didn’t want her to get over him. He’s not over her and he knows that he will never be over her. He realizes that the longer he lets things stay the way they are, the bigger the chance Liz would get over him, or she could cause herself health problems if Isabelle is right and she’s not eating enough. What really hurt him the most was the thought that Liz would move forward with her life with someone else. He didn’t like either option. “He had to see her. The problem was with Michael sleeping on his floor and Maria and Isabelle at her place, he couldn’t just go over there. He decided to visit her in her dreams. He picked up his wallet and pulled out a well warn picture of Liz, and touched her face. ******** Liz is lying in a lawn chair on the balcony. Her favorite spot to relax and think. “Do you come here often.” Max asks. “Max what are you doing here?” “I just needed to see you Liz. To know that you are alright.” “I’m fine Max, and you?” Liz was talking to him as if they were a strangers making polite conversation. He shuttered at the thought that, that is what they would become. “I miss you Liz.” “No! You can’t say that. Max wouldn’t say that. Leave me alone.” Max sat up in his bed. [Why couldn’t she accept that I miss her.? She believed it was only a dream. She didn’t know it was really me.] Max knew he had to tell Liz how he felt about her. He decided that after work he was going to talk to her. He got out of bed and started getting ready for work. While he was getting ready; he practiced what he would say to her when he saw her. Michael is still asleep on Max’s floor having another dream. ********* Michael is standing in front of a beautiful home, but he’s not sure why he is there. Then he sees Maria DeLuca walkout the front door. She looks happy and full of life. He starts to walk over to her when he see a man emerges from the house. This man walks over to Maria wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her. Michael suddenly feels a rage of jealousy spread through him. Then two children, one boy and one girl, come running out the front door of the house. It dawns on him that this must be her family. The family that could have been his. His and Maria’s together. She had moved on with her life and was happy. But what of himself what was his life like? He was now standing in front of an old trailer. He walked up and looked in the window. It look a lot like that of Hank’s, but it wasn’t Hank’s, it was his. Was this all that awaited him in his future. It dawned on Michael that if he continued to wait for a spaceship to come take him to a better place, a better life, that he could waiting a long time. And what if they never came. If he wanted a better life; it was up to him to make it. He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted Maria and a family. Max has been up for about a half hour. He only had 20 minutes to get out of there and get to work. Milton asked him to come in at 8:00 this morning. He want Max to help change one of the displays. Max is still rehearsing what is plans to say to Liz. Max is brought out of his thoughts when he hears Michael. Michael sits up say, “I want more!” [It wasn’t real, it was just another nightmare.] “Michael are you alright?” “I’m fine. Just another stupid nightmare.” (Michael was about to admit that a dream scared him.) “Are you going somewhere?” “I have to work for a few hours this morning. Your welcome to crash for awhile.” “I’ll do that.----- Hey! What time do you get off?” “1:00 - 1:30 somewhere around there.” “How about we meet at the Crashdown for lunch?” Michael figured that would give him the excuse he deeded to see Maria. “Great, I have to pick Isabelle up there anyway.” Max was also thinking that, that would give him an excuse to hang around if he needed one. ******** Liz is sitting up in her sleeping bag writing in her journal. Journal entry Today is December 11. It’s 8:30 in the morning. I woke up early this morning. I had a dream that really upset me. My mind must be working overtime. In my dream Max told me that he missed me. I have to start excepting that Max has moved on. I have to do the same. I wrote a letter to Max. In it I tell him how I feel about him, and how much our break up has hurt me. I am hoping that by revealing my own insecurities; he’ll realize that we all have them. I am also hoping that it will help me to heal. I still love Max, I don’t see that ever changing. The thing is, I know I must somehow move on with my live. Staying in this state of mind isn’t health. Maria and Isabelle stayed over last night. I am really glad they are here. It is the first night in two weeks that I haven’t fallen asleep crying. We did our usual movie edit. This time we did it on “Never Been Kissed”with Drew Barrymore. I found myself wishing for the ability to rewrite mine and Max’s ending. I would have given it a happier ending. The three of us talked about what fears Max, Michael, and Alex have. The ones that keep them from being with us. We also talked about what we could do to help them over come them. I believe that we have worked out how to get Alex and Isabelle together, and even Michael and Maria. However, I fear that Max and I are a different story. It feels like he no longer sees me as someone he could love. Since that day he doesn’t look at me the same way. In fact when ever I am in the same room he hides behind a book. ******** “Good morning Isabelle, how long have you been awake?” “Not long. Writing in your journal I see. Nothing that can get any of us into trouble I hope.” “Don’t worry Isabelle. I’m a lot more careful about what I write these days. “ “What time is it?” “I think about 9:00.” “Shouldn’t we wake Maria? She said that she had to work today at 11:00.” “Most definitely.” “Don’t bother you two, I’m awake. Liz can I use the shower?” “Absolutely not, Maria. My plan is to make you go to work smelling like a jogger who has just finished a five miles.” “Your so funny. Hahaha” “Really Maria, you don’t need to ask. Just give me a minute to put my Journal away and you can use mine.” ******** After everyone has showered and dressed. They decide to head downstairs for breakfast. The place is pretty empty. The breakfast rush is over and the lunch rush isn’t due to started for an hour. Alex is sitting at a booth. He likes to come in Saturday mornings and visit with Liz and Maria. Maria write up their breakfast order. 3 Heavenly Hash specials with 3 Orange Splashes Downs. Maria turns it into the kitchen, then walks over to Liz. “It’s time to make Alex’s dream come true.” Maria says as she links arms with Liz. The 2 of them head over to Alex. Isabelle sits at the counter. “Can we talk to you Alex.” “Sure Maria, what’s up?” Maria continues. “Isabelle told us that she wants you to ask her out.” “You have to ask here out Alex. She really wants to go out with you.” “Out with me, are you sure?” “We’re sure. You can’t wait anymore, you have to ask Isabelle out.” “Ask her out Alex.” They get up and walk away. Isabelle knows that it is her turn, so she walks over to Alex and sits across from him. “You wanted to ask me something.” (Alex has this overwhelming feeling that he’s done this before.) “Isabelle will you go to the movies with me tonight.” Isabelle reaches across the table and takes Alex’s hand. “Yes, Alex I would enjoy that. Pick me up at 7:00.” Isabelle slides out of the booth and rejoins Maria and Liz at the counter. She gives them a pleased smile. “It worked, I have a date for 7:00 tonight.” Maria walks behind the counter and pours 3 Orange juices. “Here’s your Orange Splash Down” hand one to each them just as their order is placed in the window. “Liz, Isabelle do you mind if we take these upstairs? I really don’t want to eat down here in uniform. I just know that when anyone comes through that door, their going to expect me to hop up and take their order.” “Actually, that sounds better to me. I don’t want to have anyone over hear us talking about the rest of our plan.” They each grab their juice and plate on the way to the stairs. ******** Upstairs they sit around the kitchen table. Isabelle is talking. “There isn’t much we have to do with Michael. It’s up to him now. But we have to get Max upstairs to get my stuff and give him time to read the letter. Then comes the hard part, the waiting.” Maria notices Liz’s plate, she has only been picking at it. She points it out nonchalantly to Isabelle. “Liz I have to go down and go to work now, but there’s something that Isabelle and I would like to talk to you about when I get off. Isabelle I get off at 4:00, will that work for you?” “I’ll be here.” Maria stands to her feet and picks up her glass and plate. She turn on her heals and heads downstairs. Isabelle helps Liz straiten up the Living Room. They gather all of her stuff together and put it next to Liz’s dresser. The letter is already sitting on the corner of the dresser. ******** Maria is busy with the lunch rush when Michael and Max come strolling in. They both sit down in the only empty booth and wait to have their taken. The first moment Maria has she goes over for their order. “Max, Isabelle and Liz are still upstairs. Isabelle asked me to send you up when you got here.” “I’ll be right back Michael.” “ Michael, do you want me to take your order now, or do you want to wait on Max?’ “Cherry Cola for now.” ******** Max knocks on the door upstairs. Liz answers the door. Hi Max. Come on in. Isabel is in the Living Room. I’ll be right back, Im going to take these dishes back down to the Cafe. Liz is holding two stacked plates. One is still more than half full. Max walks into the Living Room. “Hi Issy. How did it go last night?” “We had a lot of fun. Max I was wondering if you would take my stuff home with you. When Maria gets off we’re going to talk to Liz about how concerned we are for her.” “I noticed the dishes she was taking down stairs. Was the top one hers?” “Yeah, she didn’t eat much again this morning.” ******** Maria returns to Michael’s table with his drink. She sets it on the table. “Here you go.” and she turns to go take care of another consumer. Michael grabs her arm. Maria looks down at his hand on her arm. “Do you mind letting go.” Michael loosens his grip on her arm, but does remove his hand. “Maria, I just wanted to know if we could talk when you get off of work.” “I can’t.” “Why, do you have a date or something.” “Yeah....something like that.” “Oh, ....maybe later than.” Michael look down at his glass. Maria realizing that he sounded a little worried announces, “Isabel and I planned to talk to Liz about something that we are concerned about. We can talk after that.” “Max said that Liz’s parents were concerned about her. Is it really that bad.” “It’s bad enough. We don’t want to wait till it gets really bad. I’ll talk to you later.” Maria continues to go about her work. ********* “Do you want me to hang around while you talk to Liz?” “No, I think that would make her fell really uncomfortable. It might even make her think we were ganging up on her.” “Where’s your stuff I’ll go ahead and load it up.” “We set it in Liz’s room. You’ll see it next to her dresser.” Max walk is to Liz’s room, walks over to her dresser and goes to pick up Isabelle’s bags. He sees the envelope with his name on it. He picks it up; figuring that it was put there for him. He puts it in to his pocket, and picks up the bags. When he walks out of Liz’s room Liz is sitting on the couch with Isabelle. “I’ll be right back. I just want to run this stuff down to the jeep.” “Fine Max, let me get the door for you.” Liz leads Max to the outside door. As soon al Liz closes the door Isabelle jump up to go see if he took the letter. “He’s got it, now we wait.” ******** Max puts the bags into the back of his Jeep, pulls the letter from his pocket and reads it. Liz’s letter Dear Max, I wasn’t sure that I could actual give this to you. But seeing that you are reading it I must have gotten up the courage to do so. I need to tell you that even though these have been the hardest two weeks of my life. It has been worth it for me, Because I had the chance to know what real love is supposed to feel like. I want you to know that I don’t blame you for my pain. I know that everything that has happened is my own fault. You told me that you didn’t think we were meant to be together, but I didn’t want to listen. I was sure that it could work out for us, because I was sure that you felt the same about me that I feel about you. You even told me that you were afraid of trying, because you couldn’t stand the idea of hurting me. Max I know that you never meant to hurt me. That is why I needed to let you know where I stand. Even now if you came to me and wanted to work things out between us I would jump at the chance. I would welcome you with open arms, but Max I know that’s not what you want. So I will respect your wishes. In exchange for one favor. As much as what I am going to ask you to do will hurt me. I need you to please do ir for me. I need you to stay away from me for awhile. I have to have time to get over these feelings that I fill for you. The pain is just tearing me up inside. Every time I see you or feel your eyes on me I want to reach out and touch you. To feel your arms wrapped around me. To make me feel safe again. Max I can only hope that you will understand that I will always love you, but If we can’t be together then I have to move on with my life, to move forward. I believe with all mu heart that one day we will be able to be the best of friends, but for now it hurts to much. All of my Love, Liz Parker Max is leaning against his jeep with tears running down his cheek. Knew that Liz was having a hard time with their break up . It just never occurred the she could be hurting this much. He doesn’t want to stay away from Liz. He missis her so much as it is, but the idea of never being able to see her, talk with her, touch her, to kiss her as just to much to give up. He couldn’t do it. To read her words about how so would try to move on with her life without him. He knew he couldn’t move on with his life without her. He didn’t want to even think about the possibility of her with someone else. Even before reading Liz’s letter he knew that he wanted her back. Now he had to have her back. His life would be empty without her. How could he go through life knowing that she had loved him as much as he loved her, but he walked away from her. Never being able to show her the love he felt for her. Max wiped the tears from his cheeks and eyes and headed up the stairs and entering her home. He walked straight over to Liz; who was still siting on the couch. He took her by the hand and pulled her in to her room. “We need to talk privately.” He holds the letter out to her. “Liz, I’m not sure if I was supposed to read this or not. I saw it sitting on your desk with my name on it. But that’s not the point. The point is that I did read it.” Afraid of what he might say next she tries to move away from him. He pulls her close to him and wraps one arm tightly around her waist and the other around her shoulders and holds her. At first she tries to pull away, but quickly melts into his arms. (whispering) Liz, I have missed you so much. I never dreamed that you were hurting this much. I would never have stayed away from you this long if I had. I love you Liz Parker. I have always loved you. He reached up to her face and wiped away the tears that were rolling down her checks. He then slowly traced her lips as if to memories every curve they made, and then gently touched his lips to hers. Liz had hungered for his touch and kisses. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened their kisses, only stopping to take in necessary air to continue. They share a passion that neither has ever known. ******** Isabelle headed down stairs when Max and Liz went into the room. She sees Michael sitting in the booth alone. She walks over and sits down a crossed from him. “Hey, Issy. What’s keeping Max.” I getting hungry down her waiting on him.” “He’s up talking to Liz, and I don’t think he’s going to be come down any time soon. So, if your hungry I would start without him.” “Are you saying there back together?” “If they aren’t now, they will be before soon.” “I’m actually glad for them. They are happier together than when they are apart.” “That doesn’t sound like you Michael. Normally you would be telling us not to get involved. What’s changed your thinking?” “It started with you.” “With me what do you mean?” “You bringing Maria into my dream.” Isabel looks surprised. “What you didn’t know that I could tell it was you? The only think I haven’t been able to figure out is how you brought Maria Dream Walking with you.” “I’ll tell you some other time. You said it started with me, what else happened.” “You and Maria really made me think about my life if I were alone. I woke up and headed over to your place. I ended up having a talk with Max after you did.” “You didn’t tell him about us visiting you, did you?” “No, don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Isabel looks relieved. “Thanks.” “Well, after talking to Max. I had another dream. I dreamed Maria moved on without me. She married and two kids. She was so happy and full of life. I was really jealous of her husband, and found myself wishing that I was him. Then I saw my own life. I was living alone, in a run down trailer, and going nowhere. I want more for myself than that. I am going to have more, and I realized that I have to work for it. I can’t wait for ships to come and carry me away to a better life. I have to make a better life for myself.” Maria walks over to Michael and Isabelle’s booth. “So what are you two talking about?” “You’d never believe me if I told you.” Isabelle said with a smile. “Where are Max and Liz?” “Did we hear our names. Max and Liz walk up hand in hand. “So, what have been up to.” Max and Liz smile at each other sheepishly. ******** Maria is just getting off of work. Michael is sitting on the steps leading from the Cafe to Lis’s place. “Are you waiting for me Michael?” “I was hopping that we could talk before you headed upstairs.” “If you make it quick. Isabelle and Liz are waiting.” “So you want the quick version?” “You have two versions? Lets start with the quick one first, and then well see.” Michael stands up and moves in very close to Maria. He wraps his arms around her waist and gives her a long deep kiss, then whispers “I missed you.” Maria takes a deep breath. “If that was the quick version, what is the long one.” Michael moves into kiss her again, stopping so close that Maria could almost feel his lips touching hers. “I can’t show you now, you’ll be late.” He let her go and backs away. Maria, Liz, Isabelle are sitting on Liz’s bed. “Liz, Isabelle this has to have been the best Girl’s Night ever.” “Liz, enquiring minds want to know, what were you and Max doing up here that gave you such an appetite?” Liz smiles, rolls her eyes. “Come on Maria, what about you and Michael? We saw how you floated up the stairs. What did Michael say or DO that brought on that reaction?” “I have a felling I know what you have both been up to. I only hope that I’m doing the same by time this Night is over.” The End. M. N. Let me know what you think. Be kind. |
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