FanFic - Other
"The Alien's Wife"
Part 2
by Andaluchia
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
"Max, what if it happens to you too? What if your ship crashes like Michael's did?" Maria asked as Max continued packing.

"Maria, it won't happen," he assured.

"How do you know? Obviously Michael didn't know either! Or he wouldn't have gone!" Maria yelled. Max froze. Maria sat down on the bed, a few tears started to fall. "Or maybe he did know. Maybe he needed to get away from me. Maybe he never loved me," she breathed. Max went over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Maria, stop it," he said firmly. "Michael would never do that. He loved you too much. I know that." He said. He smoothed out her hair. "He could never do anything without thinking, talking about you. He always thought about you. He loved you." Silence.

"Max, how far up do you think you'll be?" She asked.

"Probably far enough to see heaven," he answered.

"Well, if you do see Heaven, make sure you leave a message for Michael telling him I miss him and I love him," she said.

"I promise," he said. -I'll do a lot better than that.- He added silently.

///Flashback-Not Maria's///

Michael lay in a puddle of his blood. He was groggy, he couldn't focus, and he wasn't even sure if he was alive. He tried to lift his head an inch to see his surroundings, but it was too painful.

That's when he felt it. He felt a warmth in his chest. He wondered if it was his heart slowing down, but he hoped it was Maria squeezing the necklace. He grabbed the matching necklace he had and squeezed the stone. Closing his eyes he concentrated hard to see her face. But, what he saw wasn't something he wanted to see.

He saw Isabel holding and attempting to comfort a hysterical Maria. Maria yelled about why did he feel he needed to leave, that he had her, that she had loved him, and why hadn't that been enough.

Michael choked back his tears. At that moment, Michael realized that he shouldn't have gone. That he had everything he needed in Maria. Now, he wouldn't be able to tell her. Why did he have to realize this so late?

"I love you, Maria." He said as he squeezed the stone. "I love you so much." He saw as Maria continued to cry, as she held the stone and tried hard to listen to him telling her he loved her. The tears from Michael's eyes began to flow freely. "She can't hear me. Why can't she hear me? Maria, please hear me!"

///End Flashback///

"OK, class!" Mr. Sketchino yelled for the class to be quiet. They turned their attention to him, waiting for instruction. He waved his hand and said, "Follow me." They did.

They walked down a long hallway until they finally reached 'the room.' It was the room that all medical students had wanted to go in to since there first day as pre-med students. In fact, ever since this became 'the room' three and a half years ago more people were entering college as pre-med students. Mostly because this room was a restricted area and you could only come in if you were in medical school, was a well-round student with extracurricular activities under your belt, and you had to have a 4.0 GPA.

The four medical students who qualified for this now stood silent with their mouths gaped open in anticipation. They all held there breath as Mr. Sketchino took out his 5 keys and began unlocking each lock, he then put in a password and then another and then another. This went on for 4 more passwords until they all heard 'beep' letting them know the door was finally unlocked.

Tron watched as another group of medical students accompanied Mr. Sketchino to see the 'water' man. He sighed and pounded his fist on the counter.

"Tron? Are you OK?" One of the nurses asked him. He turned to Helto.

"I just really disagree with what they are doing with the 'water' patient," Tron answered him. Helto stopped typing on the PC and sighed.

"Tron, come on. I mean how are we going to learn if we don't study him?" Helto offered.

"Study him?" Tron snapped in disbelief. "He is one of us! We don't need to study him."

"Yeah, I know he's one of us, but he came from water. Who knows what kind of affects that planet had on him," Helto said.

"I just think that treating him like a freaking circus freak is wrong," Tron sighed.

"He's in a coma. It's not like he cares," Helto replied. "Besides, what if we can figure out a way to help him? What if some genius medical student comes in here one day and figures out some way to fix him? And then let's say another one of us comes back here from 'water' and it happens to them to. Then we'll know how to help him," Helto said.

"Nobody's helping him," Tron breathed. "Nobody is even offering suggestions to help him. They just have him set up to all those freaking wires, letting him lay there all day like a damn vegetable. Don't they realize that if we did help him and he came to then he might be able to tell is some stuff about Planet Water." Tron said.

Helto sighed and looked up at his friend. "I don't see you doing anything."


Michael lay there crying like a newborn baby. He wanted to stop thinking about his beautiful wife because it only made him cry, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. He had never stopped thinking about her since the day they met.

"Maria," he whispered. "Maria, I love you."

A small light flashed into his eyes and Michael winced at the brightness. He could feel someone grabbing his wrist checking his pulse.

"Maria," he said again hoping that she might be there. Then he saw the face of a young man, probably his own age, hovering over him.

"It's alright, Kid. My name is Tron. I'm here to help you," he said.

"Maria," Michael cried.

"Shh...don't try to talk. We're going to get you out of here," Tron said. Then Michael felt himself being hoisted up onto a stretcher. The doors closed to what Michael figured was an ambulance. Am I still on earth, he thought. He could feel all kinds of things being done to him and he wasn't sure if someone was helping him or if he had been caught by the FBI and they were testing and studying him.

"Can you tell me your name?" The man's voice asked him. Michael couldn't keep his eyes opened. "What's your name?" He asked again. Michael tried to reach out for an invisible Maria.

"Maria. I need Maria," Michael choked. Tron shook his head in confusion.

"What's Maria?" He asked. "Kid, what's Maria?"

Michael had closed his eyes and fallen into a coma.

///End flashback///

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