FanFic - Other
Part 1
by Alexis
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, although, boy what I would give to have Brendan... anyway, they belong to Jason Katims and whoever else owns Roswell.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Amy DeLuca strolled into her daughter's room as Maria completed her nightly ritual of combing out her hair after a long, relaxing bath.

Maria looked up from staring at herself in the vanity. "Hey, Mom. What's up?"

"Hey, sweetie. I just got off the phone with your grandma..."

"Yeah? How is she?"

"She's just fine. In fact, she wants you to come visit her up in Oregon."

Maria turned around to face her mother. "You mean it? Really?!" Maria suddenly launched herself out of her chair and straight into her mother, enveloping her in a bear hug. Then Maria let Amy go and bounded down the hall to grab a suitcase and start packing.


Maria was ecstatic. She loved her Grammy Nell more than life itself. It was a rare treat to be able to see her because she lived so far away. But, every once in a while, her grandmother would fly Maria up to see her. The best part was, Amy had informed Maria that Grammy Nell was going to let her bring anyone with her that she wanted.

Maria smirked as she threw another long-sleeved shirt into her suitcase. She knew exactly who she would bring....

Index | Part 2