FanFic - Other
"One Night Forever"
Part 20
by Mslayer713
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
The backseat of the Oldsmobile was thick with tension as Michael and Tess both watched with tired and worried eyes.

"You think they're ok?" Tess asked, her voice full of emotion.

Michael was still, only moving his eyes. "Of course," he replied automatically.

Tess nodded, but Michael saw she wasn't convinced. "They've been out a while," she added.

"The connection's deep. It's gonna take a while to break it."

"If they can," Tess whispered.

Michael shifted in his seat, but still didn't look away. He studied Max, trying to notice anything different. His face was less red now, his breath coming out even again. After making sure he looked ok, Michael moved onto Isabel.

Her face had a little more color, her hair even looked fuller now. Michael moved a little closer, pushing Tess against the door. He reached out and felt her forehead. "It's warm," he sighed.

"And that's good?" Tess asked, trying to gain some more room.

Michael nodded. "Yeah...she's closer to being back."

Tess pushed him back some, straightening her shirt. "Look, maybe one of us should keep a look out while the other drives. We're losing time-"


Michael and Tess both zeroed in on Max, who was shaking his head, mumbling Liz's name.

"Max?" Tess asked, her voice full of hope, but Michael could sense her nervousness.

"Max, buddy?" Michael reached for his shoulders, shaking them slightly.

"I don't wanna leave..." Max murmured, shaking his head. "I love you."

"Is he dreaming?"

Michael was about to respond when Max's eyes opened up, starting to fill with tears. "Max, you ok?"

Max took in a breath, glancing over at his sister. "I'm...I'll live," he replied, sitting up.

"What happened?" Tess asked, looking at Isabel too.

"She jumped's still a little fuzzy to me," Max admitted.

Michael nodded. "Are you really ok?"

Max looked down at Liz's ring, but nodded. "Yeah...I'm about as good as I can be at the moment."

"And Liz?" Max and Michael both looked at Tess, who was looking at the seat now. "I mean, this must have been hard for her," she added.

Max, finally finding the words, replied, "Isabel's talking to her right now."


Isabel watched as Liz held her hands over her heart, sobbing back her cries. It had been painful to watch Max leave, but she wanted to talk to Liz alone.

"Are you ok?"

Liz nodded, turning toward Isabel. "If anything goes wrong...if anything happens to him-" Liz stopped short, holding back more tears.

"I'll get in touch," Isabel offered.

"I'm never gonna see him again," Liz whispered, placing her hands back over her heart.

Isabel shook her head, stressing her point. "Max wouldn't let that happen."

"And you?" Liz asked.

Isabel smiled faintly, thinking of Alex. "You'll watch over him for me?"

Liz nodded. "Of course. And I know Maria'll want you to watch over Michael," she added.

"And you to watch over Maria." Liz nodded and Isabel saw her control wavering. "'s gonna be ok."

"I miss him so much," she said in a strained whisper. "My body feels like it's going through withdrawal or something. I truly believe that if he dies...I will too."

Isabel pulled Liz into an embrace, letting the other girl lean against her. Max had said the same thing; he was going through some kind of withdrawal.

"Promise me you'll take care of him," Liz added.

"I promise," Isabel replied.

Liz pulled back and wiped away her tears. "I must sound so dramatic."

Isabel shook her head. " sound like Max." Suddenly, a dizzy feeling came over Isabel, making her back up some. "I have to go."

Liz nodded, wrapping her arms around her self. "I'll tell Alex you love him."

Isabel smiled faintly before she was falling through a wave of darkness.

"Isabel...Izzy, you ok?"

Isabel stirred, opening her eyes a little. She saw Max's face, looking at her with worried eyes. "Yeah...I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Michael asked.

Isabel sat up some, looking around the car. Max was right beside her, his arm holding her up protectively. Michael was looking at her closely, his eyes wide with emotion.

"I'm fine," she repeated. Finally, Isabel looked at Tess. She was beside the window, looking down at the seat. "Tess...I'm sorry."

Tess looked up in surprise. " too."

Isabel smiled. "We should get going."

"Wait a minute--what happened?" Michael asked.

Isabel looked at Max, who was holding together all right now. "Leaving was the right thing to do. The FBI are already there. We have to do this, so I've come to the conclusion that we might as well make the best of it."

Max took a deep breath. "We need to get going. It's only a matter of time before they start to spread out."

"That's it? We just forget all this happened?" Michael asked.

"No...we remember why we're doing this. We have to move on to come back," Isabel replied.


Liz sat up suddenly, her eyes open with harsh tears. There were a set arms around her instantly, and she could see Alex's dark hair out of the corner of her eye. She leaned into him, taking in the needed air.

"Liz, are you ok?" Maria asked, scooting closer. Her face was pale against her bright blush.

Liz nodded, still enclosed in Alex's embrace. She knew he was trembling and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"What happened?" Kyle's hesitant voice asked.

Liz took in a deep breath and pulled away from Alex, looking him straight in the eye. "Isabel loves you," she whispered.

Alex gave her a small, sad smile and nodded. Liz finally turned back to the others. "Isabel...she um, she pulled me into her connection with Alex somehow."

"I guess it's kinda complicated when too many people get in there," Maria joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, well, add Max to the connection and you can guess."

"Oh my god," Maria whispered, pulling Liz into an embrace. "I didn't mean..."

"It's ok," Liz assured her. "We got to see each other again at least."

Kyle, shifting uncomfotablely by the door, suddenly spoke up. "Maybe we should go back before we're found missing again."

"It's a little too late for that."

All four heads turned to see Valenti standing in the doorway.


Jeff Parker paced his bedroom as he thought about his daughter. Where could she be? He knew she was upset and depressed lately, but he never once imagined she'd run away. Liz was so dependable.

But then, maybe that was why she left. Being so careful and disciplined had to be hard. When he was teenager, he wasn't arrested or anything, but he did rebel some. Liz was always so calm and kept to herself, maybe she needed to get out some.

Jeff considered all this as he kept up his pace. Even if she did need to get away, she would've left them some news or something.

Sighing and running his hand though his thinning hair, Jeff sat down on the bed. He could hear his wife out in the kitchen, making some tea or something. Nancy wasn't taking this as well as he was. She was convinced that Liz would not run away; that something had happened to her. She even went as far as stating that Max was behind this.

Max Evans was a mystery to Jeff, but he highly doubted that he would run off with his daughter. But Jeff wasn't letting any situation slip by him. Liz and Max did have feelings for each other; it didn't take much to see that Liz was depressed because of her break-up with the young man, but would they go to these lengths to be together?

Not getting to finish his thought for the phone ringing, Jeff listened as Nancy spoke in the other room.

"Yes...oh thank god," she breathed.

Jeff jumped up from the bed and raced out to the living room, watching his wife cradle the phone to her face.

"Is she ok?..Where was she?" Nancy asked, her voice high and emotional.

Jeff walked over and took the phone. "Sheriff? Where is she now?"


"She's right here," Jim answered, looking at Liz. She was sitting stiffly in the seat, her hands on her lap. As Jeff asked to talk to her, the sheriff decided that probably wasn't a good idea. "Um, Jeff, Liz isn't in the room at the moment. Why don't you come on down...ok, We'll see you then."

"Thank you," Liz whispered as he hung up the phone.

"No problem. Now...we need to get our stories straight."

"They're gone," Alex admitted, placing his hand on Liz's shoulder. "The FBI closed in on them." Liz was silent as she reached up and took Alex's hand.

"They're here in Roswell and looking for clues," Maria added.

"And we're the only ones who have the answers," Kyle said.

Jim took all that in and nodded. " guys need alibis."

After coming up with their stories, Jim was surprised as Jeff and Nancy Parker, Amy DeLuca, and Ms. Whitman all rushed in.

"Maria!" Amy called out, pulling her daughter into a tight embrace. "Where have you been?"

"We had car trouble," she explained, just like they had agreed.

"Liz, are you ok?" Nancy asked, looking her daughter up and down.

Jeff did also, adding, "Where did you go?"

Liz sighed and admitted, "I was out in the desert."

"What were you doing out there?" Nancy demanded.

"I just needed some time..."

"And me and Maria went to pick her up," Alex added. "But My car stalled."

Ms. Whitman sighed and hugged Alex. "At least you're ok."

"Was Max Evans with you?" Nancy asked suddenly.

Liz froze, taking in a shaky breath. ", mom."

Kyle suddenly walked forward. "Liz was with me. We were both out there talking."

"Jim...why didn't you tell us?" Amy asked.

"Dad didn't know. Sorry for all the trouble," Kyle added.

"But what about the Evans kids?" Ms. Whitman asked. "Where are they?"

Jim froze, not knowing what to say. Finally, he said, "We're not sure."

Nancy shook her head and took Liz's arm. "I'm not sure what's going on, but we're taking you home," she told Liz.

"No, I need to talk to sheriff Valenti," Liz insisted.

Nancy looked at her daughter. "About what?"

Liz swallowed as said, "I can't tell you."

"Liz..." Maria said, giving the other girl a look.

"I need to do this," Liz replied, shrugging off Maria's look. She knew she wasn't happy about telling Ms. Evans.

Alex walked forward and hugged her. "Tomorrow?" he asked. Liz nodded then he walked out of the room, Ms. Whitman following.

Kyle nodded and followed, placing his hand on her shoulder before exiting. Maria, on the other hand, ignored Liz and stormed out.

"Maria!" Amy exclaimed, throwing Jim and apologetic look before going out the door.

Liz looked back at her parents once more. "I know I owe you an explanation but...but the only thing I can tell you is that I needed to be by myself. I have a lot happening to me and...and I needed time to deal."

Jeff sighed and hugged his daughter, understanding. "You didn't have to go off like that though."

"I know, daddy," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

Jeff pulled back and took his wife's elbow. "Let's wait outside."

Nancy relunctly followed, leaving Liz alone with Valenti.

"Miss Parker," he said, offering her a chair. "What's on your mind."

Liz declined, opting to stand behind it instead. "I just want you to know that I'm going to Ms. Evans house tomorrow, so you don't have to tell her that Max and Isabel are still missing."

"And what will you be telling her?"

"The truth," Liz stated plainly. "She deserves to know what happened to her children."

Jim thought about it then added, "And how do Max and the others feel about this?"

"Isabel would want it...and I think Max would too," Liz said softly. "I'm not gonna tell her everything. Just enough so that she knows they're ok and why they had to leave without saying goodbye."

Jim sighed and nodded, knowing that Liz would do it without his blessing anyway. "I'll make sure she understands the importance of keeping it quiet," Liz added.

"I know you will," Jim replied, giving the young girl a smile.

"Sheriff...I don't know how I can repay you for all you've done," Liz said. "This is way above the call of duty."

"'s about right for helping the young man who saved my son's life."

Part 19 | Index | Part 21
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