FanFic - Other
Part 56
by Kath7
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. The characters and concept belong to Jason Katims and Melinda Metz. Tarsus of Dernia and all Illyrian characters belong to me. Lyrics by Sarah McLachlan, Phil Collins, Amanda Marshall, Garth Brooks, Frozen Ghost.
Summary: Sequel to "Out of the Woods." I highly recommend reading it before trying this one. It is archived at the Crashdown. Basically, Max is gone, and the others have no idea whether they will ever see him again.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Roswell, New Mexico - May 2002 - four months later

"Alex! Finally! Why are you so late?" Isabel’s next comment was practically a screech. "What the heck are you wearing? You are not going to MY prom in that!"

Liz tried desperately to control her smile, but when Michael snorted suddenly causing Maria to burst out laughing, it was like a chain reaction. She started to laugh too, which caused Max to grin - it was a rare phenomenon for something to make Max REALLY laugh and Alex’s usual high-jinx still weren’t quite enough.

Liz watched Isabel’s face, saw her friend’s cheeks turning pink as she resolutely fought the smile that was threatening to break out across her beautiful face. She was trying very hard to maintain her stern expression, but it was clear that she was fighting a losing battle.

Diane Evans lowered the camera she had been pointing at Isabel. She had been in the process of taking one of the innumerable candid shots of the group that she had been insisting on since Max and Michael had picked up Liz and Maria over an hour before. Her blue eyes widened and she started to laugh too.

"Nice man." Michael was saying. "Why didn’t you tell me you were going to wear that? I would have found one too." Maria was rolling her eyes. "Thank you." She mouthed to Alex.

"That really is a very…er…interesting ensemble Alex." Mr. Evans said, glancing worriedly at Isabel. When it was clear that his daughter wasn’t really mad, he let himself chuckle.

Alex just shrugged, gave a patented Whitman thumbs-up. "I always like to do it up in style. If you can’t go powder blue, why go at all? My dad saved this for my wedding, but he decided the prom was okay too." He hiked his pants in the air, showing off his white patent leather shoes. "Of course, these are the best part."

The shoes actually earned a laugh from Max, which Liz barely noticed because she and Maria were leaning on each other for support, as they laughed hysterically.

Michael was circling Alex, stroking his chin. "Hmmm…I disagree. I really think it’s the shirt that completes the outfit."

Alex was nodding, primping slightly in front of the mirror over the Evans’ fireplace. "Yeah. I decided ‘My Girlfriend is an Alien’ was a little too out there. No one would believe it." He grinned at Isabel in the mirror. Her lips were pursed, but Liz could see that her eyes were shining.

"And they are going to believe that?" Liz asked, smiling. She pointed at the T-shirt Alex wore under his powder blue tux jacket. It had an arrow pointing downward and said "Alien Bun in the Oven."

Alex just continued to grin at Isabel. "One can only dream." Isabel blushed crimson. Mr. Evans looked horrified, Max repulsed and Mrs. Evans, despite her usual self, actually collapsed on the sofa she was laughing so hard.

"Class all the way Whitman." Maria said, jabbing Alex in the ribs. But Alex just jokingly pushed her aside, taking Isabel by the hand and sweeping her into a dip so deep he almost dropped her. Mrs. Evans started snapping pictures, although Liz was sure they were all going to be out of focus since she couldn’t seem to stop giggling.

Liz went over to Max, kissing him lightly to try and erase the mental picture she was sure he was conjuring in his head. She could tell that he was beginning to get a little steamed. Isabel WAS his sister after all. She felt him relax slightly.

She knew that he wasn’t really mad. It was so good to see Isabel actually smiling and having a good time. And, of course, it was Alex who had put that smile there. He seemed the only one capable of doing so these days.

It had been four months since Isabel had had the first orb-induced nightmare. They had not stopped since. Apparently the purple orb had triggered the first one, but it had not been necessary for it to be in Isabel’s hands for them to return.

Liz sobered slightly, glancing at her friend, who was smacking Alex lightly as he finally let her up. She moved over to the mirror, began fussing with her upswept blonde hair. Her ice-blue dress was floor-length and made the most of Isabel’s blonde ice-queen quality. She looked exquisite. But not even her usual perfect make-up job and immaculately put-together look could hide the dark circles under her eyes.

No one had wanted to go to the prom. It had seemed wrong somehow, with Jennetta still in her pod and Isabel suffering from nightmares that seemed to be threatening more horrible times to come. Not to mention the fact that both Kyle and Tess were missing.

Well, Liz reflected sadly, as Max put his arm around her, squeezing gently, it’s not like Kyle hasn’t been missing for a long time.

Liz sighed as she thought about what the last months had brought, in spite of her promise to herself and to Max that they were going to have fun that night - that they were going to let all the craziness go for once.

After Isabel’s first nightmare, Max had driven Liz home that morning in dead silence. When they had reached the Crashdown, it was still very early, barely six-thirty and so there had been no one on the Main Street. Liz had undone her seat-belt, climbed onto Max’s lap and had wrapped him in her arms. He had buried his face in her neck, his hands twining through her loose hair.

It was then that he had started to shake.

He had been strong for Isabel, but Liz knew that whatever it was Max’s sister had seen, Max had seen it too. And it had been horrible. Max had been incapable of talking about it at the time, but he had told Liz later and it had been almost worse than she had imagined.

And it refused to stop.

Max and Liz had managed to escape a serious talking to by their respective sets of parents over the fact that Liz had fallen asleep in Max’s bed because of the Isabel issue. The Evans had called the Parkers to explain. All Liz’s dad had said when she came into the Crashdown was "Call next time honey."

The Parkers had seemed inclined not to want to upset Liz anyway that morning. Liz suspected it had to do with how weirdly they had acted when she had asked if she was adopted.

And so Liz had been free to call Tess when she finally reached her room. Her friend had been up, getting ready for school. Tess had been upset to hear about Isabel, but Liz had heard the underlying distraction in Tess’ voice on the other end of the line.

Finally she had broken down and asked. "Did you talk to Kyle yet Liz?" Tess paused, sounded upset. "I don’t mean to sound uncaring here - I mean, I do care about Isabel, but I just can’t concentrate on anything until this thing with him is resolved."

Liz had sighed. "I haven’t talked to him Tess. I’ll do it at school today."

She would have too - except that when she arrived at school, the rumour was already flying.

It was Tess who had brought it to her, flying out the front doors of West Roswell, a stricken expression on her face. "LIZ! He’s together with Vicky Delaney!"

Liz had been with Max. They had been standing near the Jeep, holding hands, trying to work up the energy to care about school when Tess had appeared. "What?" Liz demanded, letting Max go and grabbing Tess by the shoulders.

"You heard me!" Tess had screeched, almost hysterically. "I got to school this morning and that witch Courney James came over to me and asked me if I had heard. I said heard what…and SHE said that Kyle had gotten back together with Vicky Delaney!"

Liz had just stared at Tess in open-mouthed amazement. "This can’t be true Tess. I know Kyle. He’s been trying to distance himself, but he just can’t do it. He LOVES you."

Tess had swallowed convulsively, her blue eyes glittering with tears. "I was such a little idiot Liz! Of course he’s given up. He probably SHOULD be with Vicky. At least she’s normal…" Liz had exchanged a look with Max. He had seemed upset, but was quiet. Liz had seen that he couldn’t deal with this right now. She could tell that Isabel’s horrible nightmare was still replaying itself in his mind.

"I’m going to get to the bottom of this." Liz had told her resolutely. She had gently led Tess to the passenger side of the Jeep. She had returned to Max, hugging him briefly. "Take Tess to your parent’s house. I don’t think either of you are in any condition to be here today. You can check on Isabel."

Max had just nodded, smiling sadly at her. "Have I told you today that I love you?" He had asked as he enfolded her in his arms.

"And I love you." Liz had replied. She had watched them drive away, fear in the pit of her stomach. She was used to it by now. Her feeling that something horrible was about to happen was still as strong as ever - but if she could at least patch up one disaster, she would.

Liz had finally found Kyle after third period. He had been difficult to miss actually, considering that he was standing in the middle of the main hallway, his arm around Vicky Delaney, surrounded by a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders in various states of general rowdiness.

Liz had marched right up to him. She had been surprised by the anger she felt coursing through her. She could see that Kyle was miserable although he was doing his best to appear that he was having a good time, kissing Vicky perfunctorily every few minutes or so.

"We need to talk." Liz had told Kyle curtly, glancing at Vicky and forcing a smile. "Can you excuse us for a minute?" After all, none of this was Vicky’s fault and she really was a nice girl. Kyle using her to get back at Tess was even worse than if had used someone who deserved it - like one of Pam Troy’s cronies.

Vicky had just smiled her fairly blank smile. She was a nice girl, but she wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. "Sure Liz. Nice to see you."

Liz had grabbed Kyle by the arm, none too gently, and had hauled him off to the Eraser Room. She had known that THAT was going to be around school in less than an hour too, but privacy had been of the essence. She had been able to tell that Kyle was actually considering NOT talking to her, but he wasn’t quite at the point where he wanted to hurt HER too. Liz knew that Kyle still had a very protective tendency towards her and she planned to take full advantage of it.

"Okay, what are you doing Kyle?" Liz had demanded when they were finally alone.

Kyle had not answered her question directly, instead had stuffed his hands into the pockets of his letterman’s jacket, and had asked a question of his own. "Where’s Saint Max? Oh wait! Didn’t I see him driving off campus with Tess first thing this morning?" His tone had been patented Valenti sarcasm. Liz had felt herself bristling despite herself. If there was one thing Kyle was talented at, it was the pointed one-liner.

Liz had eyed him for a long moment, until Kyle began to squirm. "What are you implying?" She finally asked. "You don’t still think that there’s something going on between Max and Tess?"

Kyle had just sighed. "Honestly Liz, I don’t think MAX has anything going on with Tess. But its time to face facts here. She’s NEVER going to get over him."

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Liz had practically yelled. Kyle had backed up a step he had been so surprised. Liz had been slightly surprised herself. She NEVER yelled. "Kyle, I expected more from you. You’re not a dumb jock. You’re one of us. Tess loves you. Why is it that you’re the only one who can’t see it?"

Kyle had just closed his eyes, looking defeated. "Liz, I just can’t do it anymore. It’s too much. I can’t deal with it. She doesn’t love me. She loves him. I know you don’t want to believe it, but I HEARD her talking to Ren. She was asking if it would be possible for you guys to share Max…"

Liz had just stared at him in shocked disbelief. "You’re basing this assumption on a conversation you overheard, that you eavesdropped on LATE?" She had felt like laughing. "Kyle, Tess was asking Ren about something she and I found in the library yesterday. Something that changes everything we’ve ever known about the destiny that Max and Tess and Isabel and Michael have been told about."

Kyle had just rubbed his forehead. "Even if what you say is true Liz…"

"It is!" Liz had exclaimed, frustrated beyond measure.

"It doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve come to a realization…I can’t do it. I just can’t deal with any of this. And it’s not just about Tess. He CHANGED me Liz. He changed YOU! I never asked for this!" Kyle was hunched up in his jacket looking like a scared little boy. "I just can’t deal with it. I keep getting pulled back in and I want out. I love her, but I can’t give up a normal life for her Liz. I’m not you."

Liz had just shaken her head. "I can’t believe this." She finally said, feeling sick. "I never thought I’d see the day that you were a coward Kyle. And I know you’re lying. This is all about Max and how you can’t give up this crazy delusion that Tess loves him. How can she love him? She doesn’t even know him! It’s YOU she knows…it’s YOU she loves. You’re her best friend!"

Kyle had turned away. Liz could tell that he was trying to hide the fact that he was about to cry. She had never seen her friend in so much pain. Somehow Kyle had become lost on the great adventure that the eight of them were entangled in together. How had they lost him?

"Kyle, please don’t shut us out." Liz had pleaded, ready to burst into tears herself.

"I have to Liz. Please just go. Leave me alone."

"I’m not leaving you." Liz had replied stubbornly, placing her hand on his back in comfort.

She HAD started to cry when he flinched away from her. "Then I’ll leave. And please don’t talk to me about this again. I have to move on."

Liz had almost run after him, had almost gone screaming down the school hallway after him….

But she had been weak that day. She had let him go.

He had never come back.

Kyle had returned to being Mr. Popularity, had not spoken to any of them since. He dated Vicky, played basketball, played baseball….he had left them. His facade of normalcy was so good, Liz almost believed it. But she knew better.

Liz knew that they would see Kyle at the Prom that night, that he would be there with Vicky…but they had become used to it…it was unlikely that any of them would exchange two words with Kyle.

And that was the worst part. They had become used to letting their friend shut them out of his life.

The decision to go to the Prom had not been taken lightly. No one had been comfortable with the idea, feeling like they were being petty and selfish by wanting to enjoy one of the rites of passage of high school.

It had been Maria who had finally decided for all of them.

Liz knew that Maria spent most of her free time at the transformation chamber with Jennetta, waiting desperately for her daughter to emerge from her pod. She had seen Maria gradually accepting over the long months of the transformation that she was not going to get see her daughter grow up.

Somewhere, somehow, over the last month, Maria had achieved an epiphany.

She had appeared at Liz’s bedroom door at midnight a few weeks before. She had been soaking wet and had looked embarrassed to be there, especially when she saw that Max had fallen asleep on Liz’s bed. He was so exhausted all the time, Liz had just decided to let him sleep for a while before waking him in a way that would be pleasant for both of them and then sending him home.

"I’m sorry. I’ll come back tomorrow." Maria had said. But she had seemed relieved when Liz had grabbed her by the arm, pulling her into the Parker’s kitchen.

"What’s wrong? Is it Jennetta?" Liz had demanded, going immediately to the freezer and pulling out the ice cream.

"No." Maria had replied. "Well, sort of…" Tears had welled up in Maria’s eyes, causing Liz to set the carton of ice cream down in order to put her arm around her friend.

"Maria! What’s wrong?" Liz had been able to tell that her friend was undergoing an internal struggle of some sort…like she was trying to hold back what she really wanted to say.

And then the dam had burst.

"I want to go to the prom!!!!" Maria had wailed. "I’m a horrible person! My daughter is in a pod and is going to be older than I am when she gets out and I want to go to the prom!" Maria had grabbed Liz by the shoulders, staring at her. "Tell me I’m a horrible person. I know I am!"

Liz had felt her heart go out to her best friend. "You’re not a horrible person Maria. It’s only natural that you’d want to do something normal teenagers do. I mean, we didn’t go last year because Max was gone…" Liz had trailed off, briefly remembering how horrible that had been. "How did this happen?" Liz had asked, wanting to erase that awful memory.

"I was at the transformation chamber with Ren. He was walking me to my car. When we got outside, we were both surprised to see that it was pouring…it was raining so hard that the entrance to the complex was flooded. Liz, I fell into the puddle! I didn’t see it and I fell in."

Liz had raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can see that you’re wet. But what does this have to do with the prom?"

"I’m getting there." Maria had replied, sounding more like her old Maria self than she had in a long time. She was babbling in a way that Liz had never thought that she would hear again. "So anyway, I fell in and just sat there staring up at Ren. And then you’ll never believe what happened Lizzie! He laughed! That stone-faced alien actually laughed at me!"

Liz had swallowed, trying hard not to laugh herself at the complete astonishment in Maria’s voice. "Okay?" She had waved her hand in front of her, prompting Maria to continue.

"Anyway, I just stared at him more and then I started to laugh. I laughed Liz. I haven’t laughed in so long…I mean REALLY laughed." Maria had looked so guilty, Liz had reached out to hug her. "And it felt SOOOO good."

"I’m glad you laughed." Liz had told her seriously. "Jennetta doesn’t want you and Michael putting your lives on hold. She told Isabel that."

"But I didn’t believe her Liz!" Maria had exclaimed. "And even if I did, I certainly wasn’t going to listen to her. I’m her mother! I know better than she does…" She had trailed off, looking astonished again. "But then I realized - I don’t know better than she does! I’m eighteen years old Liz! I’ve spent maybe a total of a month with my daughter. I’m a kid!"

Liz had felt sad for a moment. "We’re all kids Maria. We’ve all had to deal with so much stuff kids should never have to deal with."

"And it’s not fair." Maria had replied. "And I think we’ve done a pretty decent job up until now in spite of that…" She had pursed her lips. "And I want to go to the prom! I want to have pictures to show my grandchildren of when I was young. Of course, at the rate I’m going I’m likely to have grandchildren by the time I’m twenty, but that’s another story! I want to go to the prom!"

Liz had smiled, her love for Maria increasing tenfold. Her friend was finally dealing with her own wants and needs for once. It was about time. Maria had put up with enough crap to fill three life-times. "So we’ll go." Liz had told her quietly.

And so they were going. All of them.

Except Tess, which was why, despite all their attempts to at least have one night just for THEM, a night that was just about them, about being young and carefree and HUMAN…something was still off.

Max and Liz had tried to convince her to come with them, but she had just raised an eyebrow and said "Yeah right."

Michael had tried ordering her to go with he and Maria. Again she had just stared him down. Liz had never seen Michael cower like that before. Tess had her brother wrapped around her finger by now. Even the thought that she might get mad at him had made him back down almost as quickly as he had tried to "convince" her.

Isabel had even secretly tried to find Tess a date, but when Tess had found out, her fury had been so scary, even Isabel had left well enough alone.

It had been to Liz that she had told the truth.

"I won’t go with anyone but Kyle. And I won’t go to see him there with someone else."

And so the night wasn’t perfect. But it was pretty close - or as close as they had come in a long time.

Liz should have known that it couldn’t last.

Part 55 | Index | Part 57
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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