FanFic - Other
Part 1
by Kath7
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. The characters and concept belong to Jason Katims and Melinda Metz. Tarsus of Dernia and all Illyrian characters belong to me. Lyrics by Sarah McLachlan, Phil Collins, Amanda Marshall, Garth Brooks.
Summary: Sequel to "Out of the Woods." I highly recommend reading it before trying this one. It is archived at the Crashdown. Basically, Max is gone, and the others have no idea whether they will ever see him again.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Max seemed to stay connected to Maria for a long time. Liz couldn’t tell if anything was happening or not. His face was completely blank, unlike every other time she had seen him trying to heal someone. Liz knew that when Max healed, he took the other person’s pain into HIS body. She had seen it happen when he had tried to heal her grandmother enough so that Liz could talk to her…she had also seen it when Max had healed Kyle. It was not a pleasant thing to watch, always made Liz feel ill to think of Max hurting…

But this time there was nothing. It was like he was in a trance.

"Is it working?" Kyle whispered to her, obviously trying not to disturb Max.

"I don’t know." Liz replied, frowning slightly. "When Max healed me I needed to look at him, but you didn’t have to when he healed YOU. I don’t even know if he’s made any sort of connection with Maria."

Kyle was quiet for a while. Liz could tell he wanted to say something to her though. "We’ve never talked about it Liz…I mean, what it was like…"

"Having him save your life you mean?" Liz glanced at Kyle calmly, knowing exactly how SHE felt about it. She was curious as to how Kyle had dealt with it though.

Kyle nodded, paused before replying. "I think I might have actually died Liz. I mean, I couldn’t feel anything anymore…and then it was suddenly like I came back into my body…like I was coming down a water-slide…you know?" He paused again. Liz watched him stare at Max. "What I just didn’t get was why you know? Why would he do that for me? I mean, its not like he liked me."

Liz could tell that Kyle really wanted to know. He wanted to understand who Max was. She wondered briefly if it had anything to do with the way he felt about Tess.

She knew that it was hard for Kyle to always feel like he was playing second-fiddle to Max Evans. First with Liz, then with his father, and now with his once -upon-a-time bride Tess.

"I think he did it for a lot of reasons Kyle." Liz began carefully. "I mean he respected your dad so much and, no matter what you might think, I think he did like you and he was upset that you got caught in the crossfire of something that had nothing to do with you then. But I think mainly it was because he is who he is. He is so good Kyle. I don’t think anyone realizes how good he is."

"Saint Max." Kyle muttered. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "Is it why you fell in love with him?"

Liz flushed. It was weird to be talking about this with Kyle. She knew that she had really hurt him when she had turned away from him for Max.

She remembered what it had been like to fall in love with Max. It had been like she had had no control over herself but also like she was making the most significant decision of her life at the same time.

She had seen into his soul. She KNEW him in a way that she would never know anyone else ever again.

It was the only way to explain it. She didn’t even know how to put it into words for Kyle though.

Kyle was good too, in his own way.

But Max…he was like a being apart, even in spite of being an alien - kind, compassionate and yet strong and determined too.

And he loved HER.

The miracle of it was what made her love him more everyday…

And even though he didn’t remember loving her…the fact that he now seemed to know that he DID…

It just reinforced even more strongly what Liz had known for a long time.

They were meant to be. That was all the explanation that was needed.

Kyle was still looking at her, waiting for an answer. She finally just whispered, "Yes."

Liz returned her gaze to Maria’s face. Her best friend’s face was serene, and yet their was no animation at all, none of the spark that was Maria.

Liz and Kyle watched Max work quietly for several more minutes.

"Do you think he’s hurting himself?" Kyle finally asked.

Liz had been wondering the same thing. "I don’t know. Maybe we should make him stop. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything anyway."

"I wonder if Michael’s okay?" Kyle said moments later. "Maybe I should go check. It looks like Max could be at this for a long time."

Liz glanced at her watch. A good ten minutes had passed. She was absolutely amazed that no nurse or doctor had poked their heads in here recently.

What kind of ICU was this?

Kyle was making his way to the door when Max suddenly released a great breath. His legs immediately collapsed under him.

Both Liz and Kyle were at his side a split-second later.

Max seemed to be in a daze. "How can this be?" Liz heard him say.

She took his chin in her hand, forced him to look at her. "Max! Are you okay?"

He blinked, seemed to focus on her for the first time. "Liz?"

"It’s me. Max, what happened?"

He didn’t reply immediately. He let Kyle and Liz help him to his feet, then collapsed into the chair next to the bed. "I can’t heal her." He said finally, sounding like he still wasn’t totally with them.

Liz felt her heart drop. She glanced at Kyle. His face was white.

"I’m sorry Liz. I can’t do it." Max had his head in his hands.

"Forgive me for sounding like an ungrateful ass Evans…I mean I know you tried…but why can’t you?" Kyle’s tone was a combination of anger and sadness.

Max raised his head, stared at Kyle. "I scanned every inch of her. There’s nothing wrong with her." He finally replied after a lengthy silence. "At least nothing physical."

Liz watched his eyes. He wouldn’t meet hers. She could tell that Max was hiding something. "Kyle could you excuse us for a minute."

Kyle eyed Max a moment longer but nodded. "I was just leaving. Need to go make sure Guerin isn’t blasting up the place anyway."

After the hospital room door shut behind her ex-boyfriend, Liz didn’t beat around the bush. "What’s going on Max. I think you found out more than you’re saying." Max looked away, stared at Maria’s still form for what seemed like forever.

"I saw things Liz. Things that change everything that I know about Illyria and my place on it."

************************************************************************************* "I really don’t think this is a good idea Michael." Alex pulled his parent’s car up in front of the Evans’ house and turned off the ignition. He stared at the dark house, a frown on his face. "It looks like everyone’s asleep."

Michael thrust open his door. "No one gets to sleep until Maria is all right." He snapped. "I mean, Maxwell should have been at the hospital first thing. He’s got the power to fix her, he’s going to fix her dammit. I don’t understand why everyone’s being so protective of the guy."

"Ummm…maybe because as far as he’s concerned you guys basically kidnapped him off his home planet?" Alex asked quietly. "You’ve got to give him a break Michael. He’s dealing with a lot."

Michael ignored him. Alex sighed and followed his friend across the Evans’ front lawn. "Michael!"

Michael turned around, glared at him. "Go through Izzy’s room. Max doesn’t need you barging in through his window during his first night in a strange bed."

A strange look crossed Michael’s face. "I always go through Max’s window." He said quietly, looking sad. He paused, turned back to Isabel’s window, tapped lightly.

The light came on and Isabel’s face appeared at the window. Alex felt his breath catch in his throat.

He hadn’t seen her since she’d been back. He just hadn’t felt right about leaving Maria alone at the hospital and he had known that Isabel was dealing with helping Max adjust to his return…not to mention dealing with a new little sister.

She was so beautiful, even more so with her sleep-tousled hair tumbling around her shoulders, no make-up on her naturally glowing face. How could she possibly be his girlfriend? He barely managed to stop from pinching himself.

She didn’t notice him right away. She was staring at Michael, an annoyed look on her face. "Michael! You’re going to wake the kid." The way she said "the kid." It gave Alex pause. It was clear that Isabel was NOT the "kid’s" biggest fan.

"I’ve come for Max." Michael told her, his tone brooking no opposition. "Maria isn’t going to make it through the night unless we do something. They want to take her off life-support Isabel."

Isabel’s face softened. "Oh no." It was that moment that she looked past Michael to see Alex lurking in the shadows. Her face lit up. "Alex!"

"Hi Iz." He pushed Michael aside, kissed her lightly. He definitely wanted to say hi more significantly, but Michael was breathing down his neck.

"You guys can do that later." Michael snapped, hauling Alex back. "I’m coming in to get Maxwell if I have to drag him out."

Isabel eyed him a moment longer. It always amazed Alex how well she handled herself under Michael and Max’s often high-handed behavior. She was the tie that bound the two male Czechs together and she knew that neither of them would ever hurt her.

She never backed down - from either of them.

"Unfortunately he’s not here." She finally replied.

"He’s gone to see Liz!" A small, dark head appeared under Isabel’s arm. Alex saw Izzy glance down in annoyance.

"Jennetta! You told me that if I told you where Jaxon was you’d go to sleep!" She then turned back to Michael. "Now look what you’ve done! Do you know how long she’s been blathering in my ear?"

Alex frowned. Isabel was not the most patient person in the world, but he couldn’t imagine her being deliberately mean to a child. He saw Jennetta’s eyes fill with tears.

Something was going on here.

"I’m sorry Mirana." Jennetta said quietly.

"Great Isabel!" Michael was clearly angry. He reached past her, pulled Jennetta out of the window and hugged her. "It’s okay Jenny. She just got up on the wrong side of the bed. She yells at me and Max all the time."

Alex watched Isabel’s face during this entire exchange. A bevy of emotions flitted across his girlfriend’s beautiful features - annoyance, guilt, sadness and…yes, there it was…jealousy.

Not for the first time Alex was glad that he was able to read Isabel like a book. The ice queen that everyone spoke of was not HIS Isabel.

"So Max went to see Liz huh?" Michael was asking Jennetta as Isabel’s eyes met Alex’s. He shot her a sympathetic look, sent her the message that they were going to talk about this later.

Jennetta sniffed, looked at Isabel questioningly.

Isabel sighed. "It’s okay." She said, clearly trying to control the tone of her voice. "You can tell him."

Jennetta smiled. "He WANTED to go see her Michael! Isn’t that great news?"

It sure sounded like good news to Alex. He blinked when he realized that Jennetta was staring at him. "You’re Alex!" She turned to Isabel. "He’s cute."

"You’re a little young for him." Isabel replied wryly, grinning despite herself at Alex’s reddening face.

Jennetta tilted her head. "He’s yours forever." She said it in such a strange way, it caused Alex and Isabel to exchange glances.

"Or at least until the next time she forgets to pick me up because of a sale at the mall." Alex quipped, trying to break the tension.

Jennetta didn’t reply, just smiled knowingly. Alex felt like squirming.

"So, it’s off to Liz’s then." Michael decided, gently placing Jennetta back on the window-sill beside Isabel.

"I’m coming with you." Isabel announced.

"Isabel, we can’t leave Jenny alone on her first night here." Michael told her impatiently.

"That’s okay." Jennetta said. "I want to come too."

"No way." Michael replied sternly. "It’s after 1 A.M. It is WAY past your bedtime."

"Oh give her a break Michael." Alex butted in. "She’s not a baby."

Jennetta smiled at him. "No, I’m not." She pursed her lips at Michael primly. "Besides, you’re not my brother. Only Jaxon can tell me what to do. "

"And I’m her sister, and I say she can come." Isabel finished.

Alex saw Michael scowl in irritation, but he gave in. "Fine. But let’s go."

Isabel closed the window briefly while she and Jennetta dressed. They came out the front door ten minutes later.

Alex and Isabel sat in the front seat, Michael and Jennetta in the back. Isabel and Alex exchanged amused glances when Michael proceeded to argue with the little girl for several moments over whether or not she was putting her seatbelt on.

"But you don’t have yours on." Jennetta pointed out reasonably.

"I’m grown-up." Michael replied, sounding frustrated.

"That doesn’t mean your head can’t still can’t crack open."

Alex heard Michael snort. "Seatbelts on EVERYONE." He interjected, feeling like a referee. He saw both Jennetta and Michael open their mouths to protest in the rear-view mirror. "It’s MY car, so I win."

He sighed and relaxed when he saw both Michael and Jennetta frown at each other, then reach to put on their seat-belts. Straightening out Czechoslovakian family ties were not his idea of a fun way to spend his time at one in the morning.

Although he couldn’t be sure, Alex thought he heard Michael mutter, "Yes Daddy." He chose to ignore it.

"Next stop Crashdown!" He chirped, feeling like an idiot. He felt Isabel pat his hand affectionately.

Part 0 | Index | Part 29