FanFic - Michael/Maria
"Unexpected News"
Part 1
by BmySpaceBoy
Disclaimer: we all know i don't own em'.
Summary: read it and find out, it's not long.
Category: Michael/Maria
Rating: PG
Take life as it comes.

That's the only advice I have to give to you. The one piece of wisdom I've gained, and look at me. I married to the man I love and live in a palace. It all started ten years ago.

My best friend and I were working together, until one fateful day, she was shot. The boy of her dreams saved her from death, and they fell madly in love. I never thought that I'd get to experience that until I met his best friend. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks, the guy who silently watched the world go by, and the guy I had already fallen for in elementary school. How can you fall in love twice? I don't have an answer, but speaking from experience I certainly did.

There were fights. There was passion. There was electricity. But one thing that the public never saw, was If anything, people, friends, family, they all saw the arguments, the heated make-ups, and sparks. The two things we liked to keep to ourselves was the sincerity and love.

Neither of us could say it out loud, but we tried continuously to show it. However, somehow at the time, it wasn't enough. We split after an argument I started. Painfully, I tried to get on with my life, as did he. But it was inevitable...he showed up, and I fell in love all over again.

After huge complications and obstacles, we found each other and rekindled the fire that had dimmed. Our life has been wonderful since. We live in a palace with everything you could imagine. We moved and somehow, became famous. We have a dog, kids, money, anything you could imagine. There's only one problem.

It's all in my head.

I fell in love with an alien, and he took off for his home planet. I have no great home, I'm not famous, or rich, or have a dog. I don't have the riches of the world without him. Two things I told you were true, though. He came back to me, and I fell in love. Not once, twice, but thrice. I don't need the white-picket fence, or wealth. I have him. My husband, my confidant, my lover. We live in a low rent apartment that we have to fumigate once a month, and have to at least set a few mouse traps, but with him, I feel that I do have the dream house, and wonderful life. Because to me, I do. He makes me feel special.

The door slowly creaks open. It's 6:00 p.m. He's finally home. I've got some news to tell him. I pick up the stick on the table and walk to meet him. He's aged, but he still looks like the same sixteen year old boy I fell for.


"Hey, Maria."

With a smile on my face, I tell him something that will complete our secret dreams we both feel we have. Holding up the stick, I announce the news. "Michael, I'm pregnant."

He runs over, and sweeps me off my feet again. Yup, we don't need the white-picket fence or wealth, as long as we have each other...we can take whatever life throws at us.

The End

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