FanFic - Max/Liz
Part 1
by Heather
Disclaimer: Characters and other situations don't belong to me. they belong to the wb
Summary: After Heatwave, Max and Liz goto a movie
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG
Authors Note: No Feedback please
Liz woke up smiling. she was happy for herself and Max. But she had to talk to Maria. Liz had never been so excited to go to school. Max could not wait to go to school. He wanted to see Liz again. Michael had told him about him and Maria. Max felt bad but thought that maybe Michael would figure out what to do. Liz saw Maria at her locker and went to talk to her. Maria saw Liz walking toward her.

"Maria, Me and Max finally kissed. God, it was so great! speaking of Max, where is he? Have you seen him around today?" Liz just exploded with happiness. Maria smiled from ear to ear. Liz saw Michael and Max coming and quickly asked how Michael was doing. Maria said,"How should i know? Why don't you ask him." Liz was surprised to hear this.

"Aren't you two going out?" "

NOT anymore!!"

"cool it." said liz.

But then Liz saw the hurt face on Maria and tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Maria i'm sure that Michael will come to his senses sometime." "You have to talk to her Michael", Max urged.

"Anyway, i gotta go, i want to talk to Liz." Liz was walking to her class, when she saw Max. She smiled brightly at him as he approached her. Max: hey Liz: hey, how are you? Max: good. Do you want to go see a movie tonight? Liz(visibly happy): i'd love to. Max: why don't you bring Maria and i'll bring Michael? Liz smiles slyly and answers fine. ( about an hour before time to go to the movies) "Maria, please!! you have to come!!" liz pleaded.

"Sorry, but if Michael comes i don't."

"Do it for me. PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE!!"

"Fine!! just shut up!"

deal liz thought. "Michael, please!" Max pleaded.

"NO way in hell would i go out with Maria." Michael said even though he really wanted to go.


"FINE! just shut up."

great thought Max to himself. "Maria, you look great!" Liz said.
"Thanks so do you, liz. Max will flip." Maria said returning the compliment.
"Thanks" Liz responded.
Liz shot up and ran to open the door.
Maria sighed.
She heard liz greet them and ask if they wanted anything. Max smiled at how Liz always was concerned about other people.
Maria stepped out of the room and asked
"Are we going or not?"
She made sure Michael saw her evil glare.
(in the jeep)
"What are we watching, Max?" Liz asked. She had noticed that Maria and Michael were ignoring each other and tried to lighten the mood.
"I was thinking about Sream 3." Max replied smiling.
Liz smiled and said "I have to warn you Max that i am gonna cut off the circulation of blood to your arm during the movie."
Max laughed and managed to say "I wouldn't have a problem with that."
"Max watch the road." Michael said sarcastically.
"Leave them alone" Maria defended.
Liz rolled here eyes and replied "Shut up".
(after the movie in the car)
Liz: wow, it took a short time for them to get back together.
Max: i still can't believe they ditched us.
Liz: Max?
Max: yeah?
Liz: thanks for the movie. I had a lot of fun.
Max: yeah, me too.
(IN front of Liz's house.)
Max and Liz were kissing,they stop and stare into each others eyes.
MAX: i love you Liz
LIZ : i love you too Max.


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