FanFic - Max/Liz
"Liz's Day"
Part 1
by Linette
Disclaimer: I'm just a High school student making up a story from my favorite show.
Summary: It's Liz's birthday only she has Max on her mind.
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG-13
Liz's Journal: It's January 16th.I'm Liz Parker and I can't stop thinking about why Max would want to break up with the girl he's been in love with for like forever.Me!Well,I guess it was never meant to be,but I really love Max Evans.The question is:Does he love me?

Voice Over: Well it's January 17th and it's 8 o'clock which means it's time for me to head straight to West Roswell High and see the man of my dreams for the first time after he broke up with me.Today's also a special day for me,it's my birthday.

(Liz was heading straight to her locker to get her books for 1st period.)

Maria: Hey Liz!Happy 17th birthday!

Liz: Oh,yeah,um thanks Maria.

Maria: What's wrong?You don't look so happy about it.Come on this is supposed to be your day!Cheer up!

Liz: Yeah well I wish it was that simple.

Maria: Alright,you know what?It's 8:29 and the bells about to ring soon so why don't you tell me what 's wrong at lunch ok.

Liz: Um,yeah ok.Bye Maria.

Maria: Alright,so I'll see you later.

Michael: Hey Max.

Max: Oh,hey Michael.

Michael: Max,I really want you to know that I really meant what I said the other day about not running anymore without checking out first.And I just want you to know that you can trust me.

Max: I know.We just have to be...

Michael: Careful...Yeah,I know I've learned my lesson Maxwell.

Max: Thankyou for understanding.

Isabel: Hey Michael,how's it going?

Michael: Oh everything's fine.

Isabel: Oh that's good,I'm glad to hear that.

Michael: Yeah,me too.

(Maria's walking towards them now)

Maria: Hey guys.Um I really want to tell you guys something,it's about Liz.

(Max looked at her with a concerned look on his face wanting to know what's going on)

Max: What is it?Is she alright?

Maria: Uh,yes and no.

Isabel: What kind of answer is that?

Michael: Alright,would you just tell us what's going on?!

Maria: Alright,alright don't get to pushy now.Ok this is the thing.Today's is Lizzy's birthday.

(Max's face changed completely putting a smile on his face)

Max: Oh it is !That's great!

Maria: Yeah I know but there's something else going on here.When I saw her today she was like sad or hurt for some reason.

Isabel: So what do you suggest we do about it?

Maria: Well I was kind of wondering if you guys knew or felt something I didn't?

Michael: Well we don't.

(Max knew it was about him,he just kept it to himself until he can talk to Liz)

Maria: Max do you know what it is?

Max: Uh,no I wish I did.

Maria: Ok well anyway.Since it's her birthday I was planning on doing a surprise birthday party for her,and I was wondering if you guys could help?

Max: Well of course,I mean after all she has been nothing but nice and trustful to us.Why can't we give her something in return?

Isabel: Yeah.I guess your right Max.I'm up for it.Are you Michael?

Michael: I guess so.

Maria: Ok thankyou so much you guys.I'm just gonna ask Alex at lunch,which of course will also agree to do it too!This is what we'll do,I have everything.We just have to organize everything at the crashdown cause it's closed today and I have the key to it.So we'll do it there and as soon as we're done we'll bring Liz downstairs and surprise her.Alright so I'll see you guys after school.Thanks again!

(Well it was lunch time and Maria was ready for that talk with Liz)

Maria: Hey Liz so tell me what's going on?

Liz: Ok well I know it's my birthday and I'm supposed to be happy but what I didn't tell you is Maria is that Max broke up with me.

(Liz's eyes filled with tears)

Maria: What?Why?

Liz: I'm not sure he didn't really explain himself to well.

Maria: Ok well I know your hurting now and everything but my best advice to you now is to just move on and have fun with your birthday.

Liz: Yeah maybe your right.But,you know it's not easy Maria.I mean,I love Max.

Maria: Yeah I know.

(Maria hugs Liz)

Liz: I love Max.

Maria: I feel the same way for Michael.But we can't let this get in our way Liz.I mean,it's not meant to be.

Liz: I know.

(It's now 4:00 and Maria,Alex,Michael,Isabel,and Max are now at the crashdown almost done with the decorating)

Alex: Maria your a genius this is so great I can't wait to see how Liz will react!

Maria: I know.So who's gonna get her from upstairs?

Alex: I will.

Maria: Ok so everyone remeber your hiding places.

Michael: Yeah,yeah get on with it.

(Liz is coming downstairs to talk.Well at least that was Alex's plan to get her down there)

(They all got out of there hiding places and yelled out SURPRISE as the lights turned back on.Liz put a smile on her face)

Liz: Oh my god.You guys did all this for me?This is so great thankyou so much!

(As they were handing her the presents,Max got closer to her grabbing her arm gently)

Max: Liz,we need to talk.

(So they went upstairs in private)

Max: Liz I just want you to know that the biggest wish in the world for me isn't to find out about me or my past.My biggest wish is being with you without having to worry about hurting you or me or being scared.

(Max got closer to her meeting eye to eye with her.Touching her face gently)

Max: I've always loved you and I always will no matter what we go through.I'll love you.Your my world Liz.

Liz: I love you too,Max.

Max: Liz,can I give you your present now?

Liz: Yeah,of course Max what is it?

Max: This...

(Max kissed Liz gently with a deep feeling of love)

Max: Happy Birthday Liz.I love you...

Liz: I love you too Max...


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