"Revelation" |
Part 1 by Nicole |
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Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.
Summary: An observer's outlook on Max and Liz's relationship. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG Authors Note: I know I tend to ramble, just bear with me, I have trouble getting my point across sometimes. |
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"Maria," Kyle Valenti called. He walked over to where she was sitting in the quad. Maria DeLuca looked up, "What do you want Kyle?" "I need help in English. Jeez, what’s your problem? Do you have to be so rude?" "When my best friend’s ex-boyfriend, who happened to stalk her almost to Texas, comes up to me all friendly-like, what do you expect me to think? What part of the English?" "The grammar." "Okay. I’m not a very good student, but… First of all, get out your book. Second, review and find out what you need help in. Third, ask for help. It’s a very simple process. Get started. We only have 25 minutes left, and I don’t really want to spend my whole lunch period doing English homework due next hour." "What?" Kyle asked in disbelief. "WHAT, what?" she asked, glancing at him. He wasn’t looking at her or at his English book. She wondered what had caught his attention and followed his gaze. Oh. Max and Liz, holding hands. "What does she see in him?" Maria laughed. He glanced at her, baffled. "You really don’t get it, do you?" she asked. The laughter had died. He saw only sympathy in her eyes. "Get what? What is there to get? I mean, it’s Evans, he’s not even good-looking. Right?" Maria looked Max over. Liz was right, guys really didn’t notice other guys’ bodies. Max was tall, dark-haired, great body, and really soulful eyes. Sure, his ears stuck out a bit, but the boy definitely had it going on. "You’re wrong Kyle. Max is majorly hot, but that’s not why Liz likes him." "Then why?" "They’re destined for each other, it’s a written-in-the-stars type of thing. They’re soulmates." "Soulmates?" He watched Max and Liz. They were sitting in a group, right next to each other. Kyle watched Liz. Liz Parker. The beautiful, intelligent, perfect Liz Parker. He watched the way her dark hair moved over her shoulders, he watched as the dimple formed in her left cheek. Laughing at something Alex Whitman had said. He sighed. How had he lost her? Then he looked at Max Evans. That’s how, he thought bitterly. "Soulmates," Maria said seriously. "What exactly are soulmates?" he asked, extremely frustrated, "How do you know when you’ve found one?" "You just know," she responded. "Take Max and Liz, they’re only sixteen, and they already found the love of their lives. That’s what soulmates are. They’re people who know each other totally and completely. They know each other’s hearts and minds, and they still love one another. And I’m not talking about that dime a dozen love, I’m talking about real love. The kind that only comes around once in a lifetime. Max and Liz have been through so much, and they survive it all, just to be together. I mean, look at me and Michael. We’re in love, but it doesn’t even compare. They’re way past passion, way past lust. They have that whole look into my eyes thing. That thing where they could be in the same room for hours and be content to just stare at each other, where they could wake up every morning of their lives and be happy as long as they had each other." She sighed and sipped her Sprite. "I, for one, am jealous." "I’ll agree with you there," he said, "You know, for someone who isn’t a very good student, you’re very smart." "I try," she said smiling. Then she got up and headed over to her group. Kyle watched her go, she squeezed in between Alex and Michael Guerin. She made some comment which sent everyone into gales of laughter. The calm afterward was interrupted by little conversations between the people around her. He watched as Max leaned over to Liz, whispering in her ear. She giggled softly and whispered something back. Max grinned and kissed her cheek. He sighed, there was something in their eyes that excluded everyone in the world but them. He wondered if they even noticed all the people around them. The bell rang, lunch was over. He looked down. Damn, he hadn’t got his homework done. But, as he watched Max and Liz leave, he didn’t really think his time had been wasted. He sighed again. He was jealous. He really didn’t like Max Evans, he had always seemed too hidden, like he had some big secret. Kyle shook his head, heading to class. He hoped Liz was happy. |
Index |