Fanfic - Max/Liz
Part 1
by MnL4alwayz
Disclaimer: Don't own them, but if I did, I would definitely make this an episode in the future.
Summary: Christmas at Max & Liz's. The story goes like this: it is a few years after they have both graduated from college. They live together but aren't married. Liz works in a lab outside NYC as a molecular biologist, and Max has his own clinic where he is a pediatrician. They live in a roomy apartment in New York City. Everyone else still lives in Roswell. For all you Max & Liz fans like myself!
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Sorry if this story is too mushy for your taste. This is my first fic and I think Max and Liz are so perfect together!! Feedback is greatly appreciated at Please write something to do with the show in the subject line; otherwise I might accidentally delete it.
"Merry Christmas," Liz whispered into Max's ear to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and gazed at this beautiful angel lying beside him, their arms wrapped around each other, and thought to himself, 'How did I get so lucky? My life couldn't get any more perfect!' He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. "Merry Christmas to you too."

"So do you wanna have breakfast first or do you want to open presents?" Liz asked and shifted half on top of him to face him.

"Presents sound good, but I am kinda hungry.what do you want to do?" Max replied.

"Breakfast is fine with me. Stay here, I'll make it," Liz said, gave him a kiss and got up to go to the kitchen. Ten minutes later she brought in two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast, and they ate breakfast in bed, occasionally feeding each other.

Next, they eagerly went to the living room to open their Christmas gifts and, since they knew each other like they knew themselves, they both received everything they had hoped for.except for one thing. Max and Liz had been living together for years now, and she was expecting an engagement ring sometime soon. A hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes for a brief moment, which didn't go unnoticed by Max, but he didn't worry about it too much.

The couple spent the rest of the day making phone calls to their families and friends to wish them a merry Christmas, and making plans for their upcoming visit to Roswell for New Year's. When dinnertime rolled around, they went to a fancy restaurant in the city, and later to see a show on Broadway. On the limo ride home (the whole night was a gift from Max to Liz), Max surprised her.

"Wait, I did forget one gift this morning." He reached into a hidden compartment in the limo and pulled out a large box. He handed it to her, and was amused to see a puzzled expression on her face.

"What's this?" she asked, totally thrown off. At first she thought it might have been the engagement ring she had been hoping for, but then she saw the size of the box and let go of that idea.

"Just open it," he said with a smile.

Liz unwrapped the large box only to find a smaller one inside, and a smaller one inside of that. She continued to open box after box, excitement building inside her. She opened the final box, which was rather small, to find a blue velvet jewelry box inside. It took her breath away. Liz was ecstatic beyond words and looked at her true love questioningly. He picked it up and opened it facing her so that she could see the ring.

"Liz, we've known each other since the third grade, and we've been together since high school. I've known all along that you were the one I would be proposing to. You're my other half, my soul mate, and I would be the happiest person alive if you would be my wife too," Max finished and looked deep into her eyes awaiting her answer.

Liz was in tears by now, and all she could do was nod and rush into his arms for a tight hug and a long kiss. They pulled away and he slipped the sapphire and diamond ring on her ring finger. The emotions they were feeling poured through their veins like a tidal wave-joy, shock, amazement,

Neither one of them could stop smiling the whole night, and they slept more peacefully than ever wrapped in each other's arms, Liz's engagement ring gleaming in the moonlight that shone through the apartment window. It was perfect.

Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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