"Roswell/X-files Crossover" |
Part 1 by Damon Moudry |
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Disclaimer: All of the characters in this story collectively belong to Jason Katmis, The WB,
Melinda Mertz and all the entities who hold the respective copyrights to both the
Roswell High books, and Roswell TV series.
All of the characters related to The X-Files collectively belong to Chris Carter and
20th Century Fox Television and all entities who hold the respective copyrights. No copyright infringement is inferred.
Summary: A crossover event. Category: Crossovers Rating: PG |
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All of the characters in this story collectively belong to Jason Katmis, The WB, Melinda Mertz and all the entities who hold the respective copyrights to both the Roswell High books, and Roswell TV series. All of the characters related to The X-Files collectively belong to Chris Carter and 20th Century Fox Television and all entities who hold the respective copyrights. THE X-FILES/ROSWELL CROSSOVER By Damon Moudry FADE IN: EXT. INTERSTATE 70 - WEST - DAY A Ford Taurus drives down a stretch of highway. ON SCREEN CAPTION: Interstate 70 - West Roswell, NM INT. THE TAURUS - SAME FOX MULDER is behind the wheel, and DANA SCULLY is beside him. Mulder’s suit jacket is on the seat back as he picks sunflower seeds out of an open bag on the dash. Scully types on a laptop. SCULLY I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Mulder. MULDER Talk you into what, Scully? SCULLY This. Scully looks out the window at the arid landscape. SCULLY Tumbleweeds and tarantulas. MULDER Do you know you have any idea where we’re headed, Scully? SCULLY Yeah, Roswell, New Mexico. What’s the big deal? MULDER The big deal? Scully, I’m surprised at you. Surely even a skeptic such as yourself has heard of the legendary Roswell, New Mexico? SCULLY What I’ve heard, Mulder, is merely conjecture and unsubstantiated rumors about a supposed space craft that crashed landed in 1947, but that no one has been able to adequately prove it’s existence beyond a shadow of a doubt, scientifically or otherwise. MULDER Come on, Scully. Even you have to admit that there‘s way to much “rumor and conjecture” to just dismiss this as a case of an urban legend run amuck, don’t you? Mulder looks at Scully who doesn’t respond. MULDER The alien bodies that they found around the crash site? The piece of metal that doesn’t correspond to any of the 92 elements on the periodic table of the elements? Why the Fox network keeps airing specials like “When Good Times Go Bad and Animals Attack?” Scully looks at Mulder doubtingly. MULDER All right, Ms. Catalogue and Classify. Tell you what. You can spend the entire trip trying to prove to me that everybody else and I are the victim of some kind of mass delusion if you want, and I won’t say a word. Scully considers Mulder’s offer. SCULLY All right. But I could have done that back in our Albuquerque, office and saved us the trip. MULDER Yeah, but where’s the fun in that? Mulder turns to Scully and smiles as Scully shakes her head and goes back to typing on her laptop. Mulder reaches for the back of sunflower seeds and realizes that it is empty. MULDER Damn. SCULLY What? Not having any fun yet? Mulder looks at Scully as if to say, “very funny”. EXT. INTERSTATE 70 - WEST - SAME The Taurus drives by a sign: WELCOME TO ROSWELL, NM. EXT. THE CRASHDOWN CAFE - DAY People walk by the Alien theme eatery. INT. THE CRASHDOWN CAFE - CONTINUOUS The place is packed. LIZ PARKER, dressed in her waitress uniform, carries two full orders in both hands as she emerges from the kitchen. MARIA De LUCA, also in a uniform, carries a bin full of dirty dishes the opposite way. MARIA It never stops. LIZ Tell me about it. Liz walks the orders over to two CUSTOMERS sitting at a booth. LIZ That’s one Independence Day, no fries. And one X- Files, no mustard. CUSTOMER#1 Thank you. CUSTOMER#2 Thank you. LIZ Do you guys need anything else? CUSTOMER#2 Not thanks. We’re fine. Liz nods and walks back toward the rear and passes MAX EVANS and MICHAEL GERRAND who sit in a booth eating pieces of pie. Max gently grabs Liz’s arm. MAX Excuse me, could we have more... Max holds up an empty bottle of Tabasco sauce. Smiling, Liz takes the bottle from Max. LIZ Anything else, sir? MAX No, that’ll be fine. Max and Liz wink at one another as Liz walks off. MICHAEL God, you two got it bad. MAX Oh, yeah. Like you and Maria don’t have the warm and fuzzies for each other? Michael points a finger at Max. MICHAEL That’s... MAX What? Michael struggles for the words. MICHAEL ...Different. MAX Uh, huh. Max takes a bite of pie as Michael shakes his head. MICHAEL I don’t know what it is about that girl, but she makes me just want to... MAX What? MICHAEL I don’t know! Strangle her to death sometimes. MAX And other times? MICHAEL I don’t know. Max smiles at Michael. MAX You got it bad. Maria walks up and puts the Tabasco on the table. MARIA One extremely sweet and extremely spicy. Got what bad? Michael looks up at Maria. MICHAEL Nothing. It’s nothing. Michael takes the Tabasco and drenches his piece of pie. Maria looks at Max who appears caught off guard. MARIA I see. Max? MAX I, uh... Michael looks directly at Max. MAX Don’t know either. MARIA Right. That’ll be five seventy five, and unless you two don’t have someplace else to be, I suggest you make room for the lunch time crowd and quit loitering? MICHAEL What lunch time crowd? The overhead bell RINGS as the front door opens. Max, Michael and Maria turn and see MULDER and SCULLY walk in. Mulder and Scully both wear their suit jackets as Liz walks up to them with a pair of menus. LIZ Hi, welcome to the Crashdown Cafe. Where would you like to sit? MULDER The counter. SCULLY A booth. Liz looks at Mulder and Scully, confused. LIZ Right. MULDER We’ll take the booth. Liz walks Mulder and Scully over to the booth directly behind Michael and Max. Mulder sits with his back to Max’s booth, and Scully sits opposite him as Liz puts open menus on the table. LIZ Our specials today are the Will Smith and Sigourney Weaver. Can I get you anything to start with? Drinks, maybe? MULDER A coffee would be nice. SCULLY Make that two. LIZ Two coffees it is. Sugar and cream? MULDER Lots of Sugar. SCULLY Black. LIZ Right. One black, one cream. I’ll be right back. Liz walks away. MULDER Well, what do you think Scully? Have they managed to crass to a new, commercial level? Scully looks around the cafe and sees Alien memorabilia, the real gaudy kind (orange stuffed aliens, Roswell tee-shirts, etc.), then looks at Mulder. SCULLY I think crass is being generous. It’s tumbleweeds and tourists. You don’t actually expect me to believe there’s some validity behind any of this is there? MULDER You said it yourself, Scully. There is no substantial evidence to prove or disprove it either way. SCULLY However, I think what it’s obvious that what these people have done is taken a myth, a modern lore if you will, and constructed a truth around it that helps perpetuate a reinforcing reality that helps boost the economic prospects of an otherwise dead and dreay town. MULDER And you said you weren’t gonna have any fun? At the back of the cafe, Liz pours two cups of coffee as Maria stands next to her. MARIA Who are the suits? Liz and Maria look over and see Mulder and Scully talking to one another. Liz’s gaze shifts to Max who smiles slightly. LIZ I don’t know. Just people passing by I suppose. MARIA Well, I don’t know about you... But the guy looks kinda cute. LIZ How can you tell? All you can see is the back of his head. MARIA He’s a vibrator, Liz. Trust me. LIZ They’re probably married. MARIA What makes you say that? LIZ The way they talk. Only people who are married talk like that. MARIA Oh, really. What about people who have been through some incredible circumstances, huh? Huh, ring any bells? LIZ Okay, ha, ha. You got me. Maria takes the cups of coffee from Liz who appears confused. LIZ What are you doing? MARIA Here. Let me handle Mr. and Mrs. Petticoat, while you got and talk to Max. Liz turns around and sees Max smiling at her as Michael rambles on. LIZ You are such a good friend. MARIA And a pretty one, too. Maria walks up to Mulder and Scully’s booth and sets the coffee down. MARIA There you go. One coffee with cream, one black. MULDER Thank you. Mulder and Scully slide the saucers across the table to each other. SCULLY Where’s the other waitress who was waiting on us? MARIA Oh, uh, we like to help each other out when it gets real busy like this. MULDER Is it always this busy? MARIA It depends. MULDER I see. Are you from around here? MARIA Yeah. Born and raised. Not like that’s anything to be proud of though... MULDER So, you probably know a lot about the crash then? MARIA Yeah, I suppose. I mean, I wasn’t around when it happened like you two were... Mulder and Scully shoot each other knowing looks... MARIA ... I mean -- Not that you guys look that old. Oh, God. It’s been a long day. Mulder smiles. MULDER It’s okay. So, do you believe in extra terrestrials? Maria’s eyes move toward Michael and Max, then back to Mulder. MARIA Yeah. I suppose... Mulder nods and takes off his jacket. Maria immediately notices Mulder’s SIG SAUER pistol in his waist holster, and her eyes go wide. MULDER It’s okay. We’re both FBI agents. Maria notes this, but remains calm. Max turns around in the booth with an concerned look on his face. MARIA Oh. I see. SCULLY We’re just here to check the crash site. MULDER My partner doesn’t believe in aliens. MARIA That’s too bad. I have to go now. SCULLY But what about our order? Max watches Maria rush to the back of the cafe where she converses with Liz. MICHAEL What? What is it?! Michael turns around and sees Maria whispering to Liz. Max then turns an ear to Mulder and Scully’s booth: SCULLY That’s very strange, Mulder. MULDER What’s strange? She’s just a kid. You know how you were at that age, Scully. SCULLY I don’t know. Something doesn’t seem right here. Mulder turns around -- Max quickly faces Michael -- And sees Maria talking to Liz in a secretive manner. Mulder then turns to Scully. MULDER You’re right. I think we may have stumbled upon the greatest secret known to man: Teenage girls like to talk while they’re on the job. Quick call the FBI office in D.C. Alert the media. On the other side of the booth, Max’s eyes go wide. SCULLY Very funny, Mulder. That’s not what I meant... Max gets up... MICHAEL What? Max walks over to Liz and Maria. LIZ The two sitting in the booth are FBI?! MARIA Yeah. LIZ FBI? Are you absolutely sure? MARIA Positive. The guy told me so himself. MAX She’s right. I overheard them talking. Why did they say they’re here? MARIA They said they’re here to check out the crash site. MAX Is that all? MARIA Yeah. Michael now stands beside Maria, Max and Liz. MICHAEL What’s going on guys? Mulder sees the group conversing at the back of the cafe and turns to face Scully. MULDER Looks like she’s quite the social butterfly. SCULLY Well, I wish she would spin a cocoon and take our order then. At the back of the restaurant... MICHAEL FBI? Oh, man. This bites. This can’t be good news. I knew they had to be calling in reinforcements. Damn! MAX Agreed. I think we better leave out the back. LIZ Won’t that raise suspicions? MAX Well, I figure they’re already on to us, why walk right out into a trap, and make it easy for them? Liz nods. LIZ Be careful MAX I will. Catch you later? LIZ Always. Michael and Maria stand looking at each other, not knowing what to say or do. MARIA Well... So, long. MICHAEL Yeah, you too. Michael and Maria don’t move. Then Max starts for the back door as... THE FRONT DOOR Bursts open and THREE GUNMEN walk in wearing Alien masks and carrying handguns. The leader is big, and wears a GRAY ALIEN mask. The other two are tall and thin and wear GREEN ALIEN masks. Everybody becomes panic stricken. GRAY ALIEN All right, this is hold up! Everybody get their heads down now! Max, Michael, Maria and Liz all stand at the back, petrified. Mulder quickly unclips his HOLSTER from his right hip, and puts it next to him on the seat on the left side, away from the gunman. Scully and Mulder then rest their heads on the table. Gray Alien walks forward sweeping his gun over the terrified customers. GRAY ALIEN My associates and I are here for the money, only! If there are no heroes, we’ll be gone in less than a minute and you can all go back to your boring little lives! Gray Alien beckons Maria with his gun. GRAY ALIEN You, Miss. You look like your work here. Open the register now! MARIA Me? GRAY ALIEN Yes, you. Maria slowly walks away from Max, Liz and Michael. Gray Alien grabs Maria by the back of the neck and nearly rams her head through the cash register. Michael looks like he wants to rip Gray Alien’s fucking head off. GRAY ALIEN Open it! Come on, I don’t got all day! Maria, with tears in her eyes, opens the register. Gray Alien throws her aside as the two Green Aliens walk to the service station. Mulder and Scully nod to one another. MULDER Stands up with his pistol aimed directly at the group of Aliens. MULDER Federal Officer! Throw down your weapons and put your hands over your head! SCULLY Stands with her gun aimed at the Aliens as well. MARIA Covers against a wall, crying. GRAY ALIEN Oh, no. You gotta be kidding me. SCULLY Federal Agents! Drop your weapons now! Michael, Max and Liz stand in numbed shock. Gray Alien grabs MARIA and puts his gun to her head. GRAY ALIEN No. You drop it! MICHAEL No! Michael tries to rush over, but Max stops him. Gray Alien points his gun at Michael and then back at Mulder and Scully. MULDER (to Michael) Just stay there! Everything’s gonna be fine! GRAY ALIEN That’s what you think. Now, you two better drop your guns or... As Gray Alien continues on in the b.g. Max looks down the wall which leads to the front of the cafe. It has alien memorabilia, most of which is mounted by wires or in heavy frames. SCULLY Listen to me. There is no way out of here. Now, let the girl go. GRAY ALIEN And give up our only insurance policy? Right. The way I see it... Max walks over to the wall and puts both hands on it. Max’s hands start to glow as he closes his eyes. GRAY ALIEN ...You’re out gunned. We’re the ones in control. So it’s you who better drop their weapons. THE ROOM Begins to shake. The wall next to Gray Alien tremors violently as alien props sway back and forth. Mulder, Scully, and everybody else look around, confused. GRAY ALIEN What the... ALIEN PICTURES In heavy frames leap off he wall and hit Gray Alien. Gray Alien looses his bearings as Maria is tossed aside. MULDER Fires his gun and hits... GREEN ALIEN#1 Squarely in the chest. Green Alien#1 FIRES into the air and hits the OVERHEAD SPRINKLERS as he falls to the floor. Water falls from the ceiling as... SCULLY Fires her gun and hits... GREEN ALIEN#2 In the shoulder. Green Alien#2 staggers forward amid SCREAMS and FIRES. SCULLY Is HIT in the lower abdomen and falls to the floor. MULDER Scully! GREEN ALIEN#2 Is almost out the front door when... MULDER Shoots Green Alien#2 twice, sending Green Alien#2 backwards through the front window. Green Alien#2 lands on the sidewalk, dead. Mulder rushes over to Scully as the water begins to pool around her. Michael rushes over to Maria as Maria buries her head in Michael’s chest. GRAY ALIEN Sees Mulder kneeling over Scully. Gray Alien points his pistol at Mulder’s back as... LIZ Knocks the gun out of Gray Aliens hand with a FRYING PAN. MULDER Whips around and sees... MAX Sack Gray Alien into the wall like a NFL Quaterback. Gray Alien lays on the floor unconscious. Mulder turns back to Scully. Mulder tears open her blouse to reveal a crimson pool of blood oozing from a hole in her stomach. MULDER Scully? Scully? Come on, you have to stay with me. Michael leads Maria to the back as Max and Liz watch Mulder. MULDER (to Liz) Call an ambulance! Tell them there’s been a felony assault on a federal agent and that she’s has been shot! Go! Liz runs to the phone and starts punching buttons. As Liz speaks in the b.g... MULDER Come on, Scully. Scully is barely lucid. Mulder presses his hand over the wound. Max looks at Liz, knowingly. A moment of indecision passes between Max and Liz. Michael looks at Max and shakes his head “no”. MULDER Stay with me, Scully. Stay with me! Mulder grabs Scully’s limp hand. TO BE CONTINUED |
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