FanFic - Crossovers
"When You Forget the Past"
Part 1
by Sarah
Disclaimer: I don't own them. And probably have no right to use them. Well, I am. Sue me.
Summary: : All of the gang moves to Chicigo except Max, who is on a clam study in California. Maria works in the ER hospital.
Category: Crossovers
Rating: PG-13
Maria DeLuca was sitting in a local coffie shop in Chicigo, thinking about the past year. Once she turned 18, she, Michael, Isabel, Liz and Alex had moved to Chicigo together to start a new life. Max had decided to go to a clam study in California. Maria, Michael, and Isabel shared an apartment, while Alex and Liz shared one upstairs. Right now, Isabel, Liz and Alex were having dinner while Michael was at work. 'Me and Michael have grown so far apart.' Maria thought. It was true. Ever since Isabel had moved in with them, they never got time alone. And even if they did, Michael was too tired from work to do anything. Michael worked as a cheif at a night club , Maria was a phone clerk at a hospital (she helped the nurses too.) , Liz worked at a library, and Alex at a computer store. Isabel was currently unempolyed. Maria had become close to a doctor named John Carter lately. When she and Isabel had a fight, he was always there for her. Unlike Michael. He had always took Isabel's side. That was why she was not eating dinner with Alex and Liz. Isabel and her had a fight about Isabel's sudden choice in unempolment, and then Maria stormed out. She looked at her watch. Michael would be getting home right now. She took out her cell phone in attempt to call Carter, but someone had snuck behind her and then she felt a blinding pain at her neck. Something slick slid out of her neck, and then it dropped to the floor. She looked down. She had been stabbed with a huge butcher knife. She fell to the floor.

"CARTER!!" he heard Kerry scream at him. "She was across the street at the cafe. Some guy came up to her and stabbed her in the neck."the paramedic said. After he heard this, he rushed to the sceen. He looked down at the patient. "Ok Carter, I need an IV packed up and ready and 20cc's of morphine." It was Maria, a clerk. He stood still, in shock. "CARTER!! Look , I know you two are close, but if you don't get me what I need she is not going to make it. And I won't to lose another employee."


Michael walked in the apartment. He smelled food and went towards it. Liz and Alex were cooking dinner. Isabel, on the couch. "Oh, hey, Michael, dinner is almost ready, so go get Isabel and wash up." Isabel was already in the bathroom. "So, where is Maria?"he asked Isabel.

"Oh, she had one of her hissy fights and stormed out, but don't worry, she'll be back."

"So, what was this one about?"

"Oh.....Uh, It was noth-"

"It was about Isabel's choice in emploment." Alex inturrupted from behind Michael. "She asked me when I was going to pay my share of the rent and it went downhill from there." She walked toward and dinner table. She waved her hands over the food and said "I cooked a delcious meal." But Michael knew she didn't. She probably just sat on the couch and watched T.V. Like she always did.

HOURS LATER.........

(Maria has survived after tons of surgery)

"Carter, I think she'll be ok but I'm going to get someone to check up on her every once in a while. Carter? Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, it's just I'm really tired."

"Well, you should go home and get some sleep. I'll fill out her chart."

"You know, I think I will. Bye." As Carter walks away, Kerry yells: "She'll be alright Carter! Don't worry!"

"I know." he yelled back.


"God, where is she?" Michael asked while pacing.

"Don't worry Michael," Isabel said "she just milking the fight for all it's worth."

"You might be right, Isabel. She does do this a lot."(pauses)"Yeah, your right she's probably at work." There's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Isabel got up and opened the door. 'Boy,' she thought,'This guy is hot!' "Hi." Isabel greeted.

'This must be Isabel,' Carter thought. "I'm John Carter, and I'm looking for Michael."

"Oh. Um... Michael! Someone is at the door for you!" She disappeared and Michael came up.


"Hi, I'm John Carter and-"

"And I'm an alcoholic." Michael interrupted.

"No, I'm not, and I'd like to know if you know about Maria's-"

"Maria's not here, bud. Just wait a little while though, she'll be back."

"Um, I know she's not here. I-"

"Then why are you here?"

"Can you let me finish?" Carter was getting frustrated.

"Yeah, duh."

"Well, I work with Maria, and she was at this cafe`across the street from the hospital and-"

"Yo, dude, do they have job openings?"

"Look!"Carter was yelling now. "Maria was stabbed in the cafe and your asking me if there are job openings?!? I came here because I thought I could give you some kind of idea where she was because she can't talk and tell us names of family but clearly you don't care if she lives or dies!" Michael stand still.

"Look, can you take me there?"

"No!" Isabel appered behind Michael.

"What do you mean, no?" Michael asked.

"We'll wait for the phone call, thank you very much." And then she shut the door.

Carter pounded on the door once and then yelled "No wonder Maria hates you both!" He walked down the coridoors and decided he would go back to work.

"Wait!"someone yelled from behind. He turned around. It was a young girl and a guy.

"Hi, we're Maria's friends. Can you take us to her?" the girl said.

"Yeah." Carter said. 'At least not all of her friends are messed up.' he thought.

They all walked to the hospital together.

Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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