FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
Part 1c
by Lenore13
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Summary: After Destiny. Tess and Max have just "hooked up." Someone new also falls into the picture of the group of six.
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Authors Note: I never understood why Liz couldn’t have a backbone. She was never once given any strength to give up Max, even though he cheated on her. I’m giving her this strength!
- 7 months later-

Michael, Max, Isabel, Tess, Maria and Alex have still never gotten over Liz’s sudden leave. The note her parents had shown them simply said she needed answers to her past. None of them knew what she was talking about. But they still looked for her. They continuously watched for any sign of her to come back.

As Liz boarded the plane she began to remember her father. Johanna had decided to stay behind and join her later. Over the last seven months she had learned more than any school would ever be able to teach her. She could do almost anything. She could now implant fake memories, read anyone’s mind without even a touch or a stare. With a little bit of concentration she could will peoples minds to do as she says and with the snap of her fingers she could make people die. She had learned how to use her powers and speed to her advantage. Her father had decided to send her back with some friends, people to protect her until she was ready to take his place. As she sat down a new sense of assurance swept over her. She was going home to the people who loved her, but then her senses swept in. Would they accept her back?

Max, Michael, Isabel Tess, Maria and Alex sat in their usual booth. Maria had quit working at the Crashdown because she could barely function without Liz there. Her life had almost come to a full halt. Almost everyone’s life had suffered everyone except Tess. Her life had continued to be the same, except that Max had finally pulled away from her. She could no longer control him as well as she used to be able to. She knew that it was mainly due to the fact that when Liz had left, Max had left too. Everything in his life seemed like nothing when Liz was not there. But Tess still pulled him in to her.

Andrew had left too, shortly after Liz was gone but Max could sense that he would be back.

Everyday grew longer and longer for the five of them, waiting for Liz to return, if she would ever return.

Maria had just gone into the back to clear out some last things in her locker. She didn’t think she would ever be able to work at the Crashdown again. As she pushed through the doors, her eyes caught on the front entrance. Michael, Isabel, Max, Alex and even Tess caught her gaze. They all turn to stare at the front door as they hear it opening. For a moment, they are all paralyzed. No one even speaks. After all this time, she's finally home. Liz. It is Liz . . . isn't it? She looks entirely different. Her hair is a little shorter and she looks so mature. Her eyes held power and so did her stature. If seemed as if she could balance the world on her finger. She looks over to Maria and then back towards everyone else.

"Lizzie!!!" Maria runs over and engulfs her friend in a hug. As she takes a step back she lets Liz walk into the café.

"Maria, I’ve missed you much. How have you been?" Liz’s smile radiated throughout the café. No one could believe that she was back.

"Well, besides feeling like I had just been run over by a train, I’m great now that you’re here!" Liz again felt Maria hug her, and then she felt Alex’s arms around her.

"Where have you been Liz?" Alex’s frown quickly turned into a grin as he saw Liz’s eyes sparkle.

"I had to find some things out. I needed to make sure some things were true." Liz’s eyes met with Max’s, and she knew then that her father was right. She studied his face for any sort of reading, but then remembered there was no need for it. In that minute alone she read all of their thoughts, except for Tess, there was no need. A look of disgust was plastered over her face. She had to use all of her willpower to not just crush her. Everyone was just glad to see her, they weren’t mad. They still accepted her, they were just worried. As she walked towards the rest of the group so as to sit down, two strange men walked in. Max glared at them as they came to Liz’s side, as if they were her guardians. She turned to one and then the other, after she smiled at one and then the other they left. They knew she would be ok here. They went and sat down at the counter, both of their eyes still on Liz.

"I’m missed all of you so much. I am sorry I left without saying goodbye, but I never got the chance."

"Why did you leave Liz. What was in England?" The whole group had been dreading about asking Liz this, but it had to be asked.

"Well, I can’t say right now, there is still so much to be said before that." She knew she had to ease their pain, but she couldn’t tell them the truth yet. As she smiled she used some of her power to ease all of their minds.

"Max, can I talk to you?" Tess pulled Max out of the booth and outside. "Ok, who is that? That isn’t the Liz you used to date. I can tell. She’s different." As Tess looked at Max’s face she suddenly knew she had just lost him.

"I don’t know what you are talking about? That’s Liz. The woman I love and whom I would do anything for. Tess, I love Liz. I can never be with anyone besides her." All he felt afterwards was the sting of his cheek, but even that didn’t amount to the happiness he felt now that Liz was back. Once he had gone back inside he felt Liz’s eyes on him he knew that he loved her now more then he ever had before.

"Liz, can we talk?" Max’s voice was raspy, as if he were out of breath.

Liz nodded and began to head towards the double doors leading to her house. The two strange men began to get up, but she threw up her hand and they sat back down. Max quickly glanced back at the two men and the followed Liz. Once the two were in Liz’s room Max wanted nothing more then to just pull Liz into his arms and kiss her. He wanted to feel her body against his own and he wanted to smell her sweet scent.

"I love you Liz." Liz whirled around at his voice and kissed him. Wow, I didn’t expect that. Max pulled her in closer. Her hands running up and down his back, his hands mixing themselves in her hair. He had waited for this moment for nine long months. But then she pulled away.

"Liz, what’s wrong?" Max couldn’t imagine why she had so suddenly pulled away. While he knew it was probably because of Tess, his heart told him something else.

"Do you really love me?" her voice was shaky.

"With all of my heart. While you were gone all I could think about was how much I loved you, how could I have hurt you so bad, and why didn’t AI get to the airport earlier."

"Then you’ll love me for whatever I am, right?"

"What are you talking about Liz? Of course I will, I mean you did. You didn’t even flinch when I first told you. How could I be scared of you?"

"You should sit down." Max looked into Liz’s eyes, but then took a seat on her bed. She squatted down onto the floor and took his hands into her. "I’m different. More so then you, Michael, Isabel or Tess ever could be." Max’s eyes still searched hers, trying to understand what she was saying. As she sees the confusion she cups her hands around his face and lets him see herself and her ‘father’ as he is telling her the story and then her father teaching her how to use her powers. When she knows that he has seen enough she removes her hand. Max looks at her for a second and then smiles.

"How did you learn how to do that? I wasn’t even trying to make a connection."

"I’m different Max. Everything that you heard that man, my father, tell me is true. I am…" She begins to cry as she sees the smile on Max’s face withdraw.

"You’re a vampire? You aren’t human?" He felt the pain in Liz’s eyes, and then in himself. All along he felt that he couldn’t be with Liz, and now he knew that he couldn’t be, only now he is afraid.

"Why are you so afraid? I love you Max, I would never hurt you."

"How did you know I was afraid? What can you read minds now?"

"I can do a lot of things." And she kissed him without any hesitation. Her lips firmly pressed against his. When they pulled away to breath Max wanted nothing more then to just hold her.

"I love you Liz Parker." Just as they were about to kiss the two men came into the room.

"Who are these guys Liz? " Liz could hear the jealousy in Max’s voice.

"Ma’am, your parents are coming home right now, what would you like us to do?"

"Oh, yeah. Um, why don’t you guys leave and find the others. I’ll meet you later tonight and we can talk. I’ll take care of my parents." Max could hear the hint of pain when she talked about her parents, how could she not feel pain? They weren’t even her real parents, she never knew them, just like he never knew his.

"Are you going to leave? Are you going to leave me?" Max’s voice was shaking as he held Liz close.

"Just for a little while more. I have to clear some things up, make things right. When you healed me Max, you changed my life. We were meant to be together, but because you saved me I am now living in a second life, sort of. I still am what I was, but I now also am part of you. I still love you, but I don’t know if our destinies are still together."

"I don’t care what our destinies are. You are my life Liz. I love you more then the world and universe together. Let me go with you, let me help you."

"Its to dangerous Max. You don’t have the strength." As Liz pulled away she knew she wouldn’t see Max for a long time. Liz leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Now it is my turn to say goodbye, but I’ll be back, I promise." As Liz left Max felt his heart being ripped out. He had just let the love of his life get away for the third time, but he knew he couldn’t go with her.

"Liz, where are you going? Where have you been?" Liz turned to face Andrew, his smile was twisted into a slightly evil smile. She knew now that he was her enemy, but she had to watch him closely.

"I’ve just been at my aunts." She quickly tried to cover his memory but felt his mind resisting. He can’t be as strong as I am, even my father said so.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk. You should know I could bend some of your powers, but back to you. I’ve missed you. Come here." He held his arms open, trying to force her mind to cave in. She couldn’t have grown this strong in such little time. Liz began to step towards him, but felt someone’s hand on her arm. As she looked over she could just barely make out her two bodyguards figures next to her.

"Andrew, you should know better then to try and do that. No leave, and never get near Liz again, not until you know you can at least put up a good fight," one of the men said. His lips turned into a smile. "Unless you want to die right now?" He smiled, his fangs showing through his smile.

"I’ll think I will be leaving, goodnight my sweet Liz." As Andrew stepped back, he looked at her eyes, they hung with anger. He took her hand in his and kissed it softly. "You will always be with me." And then he was gone. Liz’s eyes softened as they followed his figure moving through the dark. Since she had learned to use her powers she could see extremely well in the dark.

"Let’s get going, before its too late."

Liz and the two men met up with ten others in an apartment about 20 minutes from Liz’s house, on foot. As she walked in she could feel everyone’s eyes on her. As she looked at each person she began to recognize some people from school. After everyone was sitting in the living room and seemed as comfortable as possible Liz began.

"As you know, my name is Liz, and I am not quite sure what we are supposed to be doing, but what I do know is that I am going to do whatever it is that needs to be done."

"Welcome Liz, we have been waiting for you to join us for so long. We have all watched you grow up, making sure you were safe. We are sorry about the mishap at the café in September, but we hadn’t expected for anyone to save you. We are gathered here to discuss the war that will be taking place very soon. You are our leader, as you now know."

"Yes, but I actually have a quick question. How is it that I couldn’t sense those who I was around at school like I could sense Johanna?"

"Your father had given us special instructions to keep away from you until now. He did not want us to be meddling in your life, and so we shut ourselves away from you. We are very sorry, but it was your fathers wishes."

"Oh, its ok."

As the night went on the group discussed the war that was coming and how they would fight it. They knew they couldn’t fight in Roswell or else their lives would all be endangered.

"So, we have to leave? For how long?" Liz could barely breathe, her heart raced at the thought of being away from Max.

"We know you love him, but it was only meant to be in your last life time, where he is. You are in a new one, one mixed with the last. When Max saved you, we saved you too. Max had made you human again, but that was not your destiny. That night your father came to you and made you one of us again. Your destiny with Max has passed. A new one awaits you." Liz knew they were telling her the truth, but in her heart she didn’t want to believe it.

"But back to the matter in hand. We have to think of a plan. We must attack in two months, or else we will die."

After the meeting was over Liz decided it was time to confront Max. As she left two of the men from the group followed her, it was two people whom she went to school with, Derek and Ben. As they walked they began to talk about how much they had always wanted to talk to her, but how her father promised death if they interfered. Liz told them that she couldn’t imagine why, but they simply said it was because of her and Max. As they arrived at the Crashdown Ben and Derek decided only one of them would need to stay with Liz. After discussing it for a few minutes, Ben had decided to stay. He walked around the corner and went up her fire escape. As he arrived at her balcony he watched her open the window.

"You wanna come in for a few minutes? It must be cold out there."

"Sure. You know, I wish I could have talked to you more in school, you always seemed to nice, and you really are beautiful." Ben began to blush a little as he said this.

"Um, thanks Ben." Liz began to blush too, not from what he said, but because she knows how Max would react if he saw this.

"So, um, Liz… I was wondering. Since Max isn’t your destiny anymore, do you want to go out with me sometime?" Ben’s voice wavered, he found himself wanting to get nearer to Liz.

"Ben, you know I still love Max, even if we aren’t meant to be, I still love him." Liz started to back away hoping that Ben would get the idea, but he didn’t he simply walked closer and closer to her until she was backed against a wall. His hand began to stroke her arm and then his other hand pulled her close to him. Liz tried to force him away but couldn’t, even with her powers he still held her close.

"Please, Ben, or else, I am warning you." As Liz looked into his eyes she saw a small hint of fear, he wasn’t afraid of her, but for her. As Ben released her she could tell he had meant her no harm, he wanted to help her. Help her forget the pain she knew, help to ease her into this new life. He also wanted to protect her. She drew him close to her and hugged him.

"I’m so sorry Ben."

"Its ok. I just want to help you."

And the two of them stayed that way, holding each other.

- next day at school-

Once Liz had come back everyone expected her to come back to them, come back and be part of the group, but when they saw her at lunch with a whole new group of people they became worried. Why was she suddenly expanding into this new group of people? Sure a lot of people liked Liz at school, but Ben, Derek, Rusty, Matt, Ashley and Scott? These people barely let anyone into their group, they were exactly like Michael, Max, Isabel, Maria, Alex and Liz, or at least how they used to be. They were so secretive, but everyone liked them, so no one asked any questions, and no one suspected anything. And now Liz was hanging out with them, laughing with them. Max clenched his fist as he saw Ben and Derek flirting with Liz. Both of them holding one of her hands. Rusty, Matt, and Scott seemed to be guarding Liz. And then there was Ashley. She was obviously hurt by the guys sudden interest in protecting Liz, but she had a smile on because she knew hat it was their job. Liz was their leader and they had to do whatever it took.

From the day Liz got back she never conversed with the group during the school year again, not even Max. She became extremely busy getting ready for whatever was going to happen. She missed Max and she wanted to talk to him. She knew she had to say goodbye because she was leaving soon. The group had decided that they needed to drag the enemy somewhere else, someplace that no one else could be harmed, and Roswell was not the place. After a few months of training Liz and her army were ready, and they knew they had to get going or else the war would take place here, the only problem was that they didn’t know who their enemy was.

Part 0 | Index | Part 1d
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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