FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"New Understandings"
Part 15
by Beowulf
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Wish I did. I'm just borrowing them temporarily, and I promise to put them back none the worse for wear.
Summary: Roswell, based on the books NOT the TV series. Basically, this picks up immediately after the end of book #10 of the series. If you aren't familiar with the books, you might be lost. The some of the characters you won't know. Sheriff Valenti is dead. The Pod Squad is different. Max isn't a king. There is no Royal Four. Isabel is a cheerleader. Max is blonde. Liz's last name isn't Parker. Michael is not nearly as surly. Maria has curly hair. They have different powers as well. They can see auras, and a biggie is that they can not only change the shape of things, but change their appearance as well. There are others but I digress. Synopsis: Michael and Maria are finally together. Kyle Valenti is saved.
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Authors Note: I really enjoyed the Roswell High books. But I felt like Michael and Maria got short changed. The ten books spent a goodly amount of time developing Max and Liz's relationship. It seemed unfair that Michael realized how he felt about Maria and confessed his love to her, just to have the book and the series end a couple of pages later. Thanks To: I want to thank my beta readers, deah, Mysticalshevamp, ViLaNdRa194, and Tinkerbellgirl69. A very special thank you goes to shadowwalker. You are the *the best*! Your suggestions and comments were always dead on, and I think the story is better because of you. I owe you a lot.
Time was getting short. Fred and Roy had been in the restaurant for almost half an hour. He peeked out a window and could see them sitting in a booth facing the front of the restaurant. This was his chance to escape, and he knew he wouldn't get as good an opportunity against before they got to Albuquerque. He made his decision.

Michael concentrated on his facial features and they began to shift from Kyle's feathers back to his own. His hair went from light brown to dark brown. It was slow going thanks to the drugs, but he kept at it. He checked his appearance in the window.

"It's good to be me," he said as his own reflection greeted him.

He checked on Roy and Fred again. They were drinking coffee as a waitress brought them a check. Both men started digging in their pockets for their wallets.

Now! he thought as he reached for the door handle, while their attention was not on the window. He checked on them one last time. Fred was still fumbling with his wallet, but Roy had handed cash to the waitress and appeared to be flirting with her. Michael's slid the door open and slipped out, staying low. He closed the van door and began running bent over at the waist, using the other cars for concealment.

He hid behind a City of Bingham dump truck and watched Roy and Fred exit the restaurant and head for the van. They realized instantly that Michael was no longer in the van and they split up searching the parking lot.

Michael moved further away from the van and the bright parking lot lights. He slipped through the shadows moving further and further away from Fred and Roy. Looking through a car window he saw a dark blue windbreaker on the back seat. He used his powers to open the door and took the jacket and the plaid flannel shirt beneath it. He put them both on and stood up and walked boldly across the parking lot. He hoped he looked more confident than he felt.

Fred was jogging slowly toward him looking left and right between the cars.

"Lose something?" Michael asked.

"Mind your own business," Fred snapped continuing his search.

"No problem," Michael said as Fred passed him.

Michael continued across the parking lot and out to the highway. He began walking back toward Roswell.


"There he is!" Maria shouted, pointing through the windshield.

Max immediately put on the brakes and cautiously made a U-turn. He pulled the jeep to the shoulder ahead of Michael. Maria was out the door before they were at a complete stop. She ran to him and threw herself into his arms. He picked her up and continued walking toward the jeep. Isabel climbed out and started toward him as well.

"Everybody back in the car," he said as he got closer. "Save the hellos for later. They aren't that far behind me and I don't want them to spot the jeep. Let's go!"

Getting into the jeep with Maria clinging to him was something of a trick, but she refused to let go for an instant. Truth to tell he didn't want to let go of her either. He pulled her into his lap. Max pulled back onto the highway gunning the engine up to speed.

"Good to see you, buddy," Max said giving him a quick smile and returning his attention to the road.

"Thanks," Michael replied. "Glad to be here."

Isabel hugged Michael from behind. "We were worried about you," she said. Michael patted her arm, and she let go and sat back against the seat again.

Liz leaned across Kyle and kissed Michael on the cheek. "Are you OK?" she asked moving back into her seat and putting a hand on Max's shoulder.

"What did they do to you?" Maria asked.

"They used drugs to knock me out."

Maria was horrified. "Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. In fact, I'm pretty much over the effects of the last batch they shot me up with. It was almost exactly like Isabel described when she got injected with a drug and her body reacted to it by adapting to it."

"Did you go through the physical changes like she did?" Max asked.

"I don't think so. If I did, Fred and Roy certainly weren't around to see it. If they had been they would have known what I am, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be sitting here now."

"Tell us what happened," Liz said.

"I was with Maria in the dream plane when they jumped me the first time. They had pumped me full drugs before I could make a connection with either of them to knock them out. The next thing I knew I woke up in a van. They had these cattle prod things that packed one hell of a wallop. They pumped me full of more of the drugs, and this time I woke up faster. They didn't know I was awake, and they pulled over to get something to eat and left me outside. I tried to use my powers to start the van, but I was still too fuzzy to find the pathway. Then I tried the dream plane to see if I could contact any of you. No one was there but Alex."

"Maria had already rounded all of us up and we were trying to figure out what to do," Max said.

"That's my girl," Michael said with pride, giving her a squeeze.

"So what happened then?" Isabel urged.

"I figured you were all looking for me, so I decided to change from Kyle back to myself and see if I could just walk out. It worked, and here I am."

Kyle had sat silently taking Michael's story in. He checked for headlights periodically. Finally a set appeared behind them coming up fast. "Uh, guys," he said. "We're about to have company."

Max looked in his rear view mirror as everyone else turned toward the rear. "And they're coming up fast," Max added.

A white van approached out of the darkness.

"Did they drive a white van?" Max asked.

"I don't remember," Michael said.

The van continued to speed toward them until it was almost even with the jeep.

"What if they recognize us?" Liz asked.

"I don't think they'll remember you or me," Max said.

"We still don't want them to see Michael," Maria said. "I can take care of that." She snuggled against him putting her head on Michael's left shoulder blocking the any view of his face from that side of the car. She closed her eyes and tried to appear asleep.

"They'll definitely remember me," Isabel said. "Do I have time to change?" Isabel asked.

"No," Max said as the van pulled along beside them and Uncle Fred peered out the window at them.

Isabel made a quick decision. Grabbing Kyle around the neck she pulled him toward her into a kiss.

Taken completely by surprised, Kyle didn't respond at first. When his brain kicked in he realized that this was The Isabel Evans kissing him. The cheerleader, beauty queen, ice princess who had never given him the time of day before this. He knew that she had kissed him only to keep hidden from the prying eyes in the white van. But then he felt her tongue urging his mouth wider, and her arms drawing him closer. If she was going to get into it, so was he! Might as well enjoy his good fortune.

This boy is a good kisser, Isabel thought. The more she got to know Kyle the more she realized he had many hidden qualities. He was being a perfect gentleman too. His hands were wandering, but he wasn't groping her. She didn't mind this at all. She decided to enjoy the situation.

The van continued to pace them with Fred trying to make out the features of all the people in the jeep. Max finally had had enough. He let off the gas, the equivalent of blinking in a staring contest. The van didn't slow with them and was soon was far ahead.

"They're gone," Max said.

Isabel loosened her hold on the back of Kyle's neck, but she didn't remove her hand, and neither of them made a move to end the kiss.

Maria sat up and looked over the seat at them and grinned. Michael looked over his shoulder.

Oh, this was good. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. You didn't get many chances to yank Isabel's chain, and you damned sure didn't want to squander any opportunities that came you way. He nudged Max and jerked his chin in their direction. Max glanced back, and did a double take. He looked at his best friend grinned. He knew what was coming. Liz stifled a giggle with her hand.

In the back seat, Isabel and Kyle had become more caught up in the moment. Her hand had tangled itself in his hair. His hand had disappeared under the back of her shirt.

This just kept getting better and better. He adjusted the rear view mirror so he could keep an eye on them without turning around. Wait for it, he cautioned himself. Wait for the perfect moment. And then it came. He watched in satisfaction as Isabel took her hand from Kyle's hair and used both hands to pull his shirt up and ran her hands up his bare back. This was it. It would never get any better.

"Isabel," he said in a normal tone. He got no response, which is what he expected and wanted. Life was good. "Isabel!" he shouted.

Isabel and Kyle jerked apart and tried to untangle themselves from the each other's clothing. They both looked at Michael as if they had forgotten anyone was there.

Deer caught in the headlights, Michael thought with glee. "Isabel," he repeated a third time in a normal tone. "If you two can wait, I'd be happy to offer you the use of my apartment for as long as you need it."

The four of them burst into laughter, completely enjoying the pair's discomfort.

"You had that one coming, Sis," Max said.

Kyle leaned back into his seat between Liz and Isabel. He was a bit embarrassed, but not nearly as much as he was intrigued. Isabel Evans and him. Who would have thought it?

"Of all the nerve," she sputtered doing her best to save face. She blushed scarlet, and was grateful for the dark interior of the car. She knew Max and Michael could see in the dark, but at least Maria and Liz wouldn't be able to tell. Her hands fluttered to her hair and clothes smoothing and patting into place. She realized she was fidgeting, which judging from how everybody seemed to be watching her, was almost as interesting a show as the kissing had been. She forced her hands to be still. She glanced over at him and found him looking at her. He gave her a rueful grin. She smiled back.

As the miles passed by, Maria felt exhaustion roll across her. It was after 3:00 in the morning and she had only had about two hours of sleep. She had been running on adrenaline, but the effects were wearing off now that they had Michael back safely. She yawned.

"Tired?" Michael asked her.

She nodded.

"How far are we from Roswell?" he asked Max.

"About two hours," he replied.

Maria groaned. "Got any toothpicks in the glove box?" she asked. Max looked at her confused. "To prop my eyes open," she explained.

"Pull over," Isabel said, and Max immediately slowed and pulled onto the shoulder. Such was the power of Princess Isabel's commands. When the vehicle was stopped he turned and looked at his sister.

"You three get in the back. I'll drive and Kyle can sit in the front. That way anyone who wants sleep can get some," she offered. The arrangement would have the advantage of putting a bit of physical space between Kyle and herself. She needed space right this minute to consider what had gone on, what was going on, and for that matter what might go on in the future. Her lips felt swollen from the intensity of Kyle's kisses. And what kisses they were! She was still tingling all over from his touch. Kyle Valenti was making her feel this way? How strange was that?

"That's very nice of you, Iz," Michael said, genuinely surprised.

"Thank you," Isabel said, glad that everyone seemed to be taking this as a gracious offer and not ribbing her or looking for an ulterior motive. They began switching places.

Kyle regretted the change in the seating arrangements. He had liked sitting close to Isabel. He'd liked the warmth of her leg against his. He'd really liked kissing her. He looked over at her profile and wondered if she was as buzzed from the experience as he was.

Max and Liz, well practiced in being in each other's arms, settled in immediately. Liz closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. After a few minutes Max closed his as well.

Michael looked down at Maria's hand wadded in the front of his shirt. She'd had hold of him in one way or another - his arm, his hand, or his shirt - since they'd found each other. As they got comfortable, Maria leaned against him, but still maintained her grip on the shirt. He whispered in her ear, "Not that I'm complaining, but you can let go of me now."

She looked into his eyes. "No," she replied. She raised her lips to his and they kissed softly. She put her head back on his chest and closed her eyes to sleep.

He smiled. "That's my girl," he said wrapping his arms around her.

Part 14 | Index
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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