FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"Goodnight Elisabeth"
Part 4
by Anne
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or any of the characters. I have no affiliation with the WB television network or the author Melinda Metz.
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Liz awoke with a start and without a word, tears formed and fell from her eyes. She couldn't stand being used this way. She couldn't stay with Max. She'd only lead Tess right to him if she did. Panic swirled through her brain as she fought for breath . . .

Max: (anxiety building as her thoughts became clear to him) "Liz, that's not true. She's been tracking me steadily until I came back to get you. The minute we were together again, she was not able to connect with me anymore."

Liz: (fighting the fear that threatened to spill over by the second) "But, she's connecting with me now, Max. She knows where we are."

Max: (calculating how far they still had to go) "That may be true, Liz, but if you weren't with me, she'd still be able to connect with me, and it would be no different. We've had to move our camp every other day, because she always known where we were."

Liz: (desperate) "How are you any better off now?"

Max: "Now I have you, and I will always be stronger with you than without you. Please don't let her come between us."

Liz: "Max, I'm scared for you, for myself, for all of us."

Max: "I know you are. We need to get moving right away. She might know where we are, but she doesn't know where we're going."

Liz sat up and hastily threw her backpack over her shoulder. Max stood up and held his hand out to help her up. The sun was just over his shoulder, as she looked up to take his hand, and the light glowed all around him. As she stared at their hands and stood to her feet, she knew she would stay with him no matter what. Tess had won before, because she had separated them. Max was right. They had to stay together. Max watched her face for a moment and then with a satisfied expression, kissed her quickly. She had made her decision and he knew he could trust her to stand by it.


Maria: (rubbing her sore feet) "So, tell me why we have to jump up and leave right now."

Max and Liz looked at each other trying to decide exactly what to say without scaring Alex and Maria to death. Finally, Max spoke, but as he did so, he bent down and took hold of her bare foot, erasing the soreness as if it had never been there. Maria wiggled her toes in delight, as he carefully picked up her other foot. Maria fell back and sighed in contentment, as the pain in her feet subsided completely. Finally, she sat up and smiled.

Maria: "Thank you."

Max: "You're welcome."

Maria: (to Liz) "Did he fix your feet, too?"

Liz: (smiling at Max) "Yeah."

Alex: "So, why are we leaving now? I thought we were going to stay here for a while."

Max: "We were. Tess connected with Liz while she was sleeping and she knows where we are, so we have to move quickly."

Maria: "She what?!?!"

Max: "She's been using me for a long time the same way and we've been on the run for the entire time we've been gone. We didn't figure it out until right before I came to get you."

Alex: "So why Liz? Why not you?"

Max: "I'm not sure. I know that the closer I got to Liz the weaker her connection became to me. I don't understand at all how she's connecting with Liz."

Maria stood up then and walked over to Liz. Standing in front of her, she looked into her eyes and knew that her best friend was facing some of her worst fears. Maria pulled Liz into a hug and just held her for a minute. No words were exchanged. None were needed.


Isabel continued to watch the horizon with an air of expectation that she couldn't quite squelch. They were coming . . . soon . . . She could feel it. Alex was close to her now. What was this strange feeling . . . love, maybe . . . that drew her to him . . . ?


Tess squatted over the dusty ground where Max and Liz had been resting. She could still feel them here. Damn them. Damn all of them. They had no idea what they were dealing with . . . but, they would . . . . and, soon, too . . .


Alex watched over the girls as he had been doing, making sure they were o.k. and that no one fell out of step. They were like little toy soldiers following behind Max . . . except that little toy soldiers didn't breathe, or have hearts that could be broken . . .

Liz watched the muscles in Max's back as he walked and led them onward . . . . Her feet ached . . . again . . . , but there was no time to stop and heal them now . . . Tess was too close. Liz could feel her presence shadowing them . . .


Max looked ahead and thought about the distance that still separated them from the relative safety of the camp. Desperation began to take hold of him, as he closed his eyes and pleaded for help. They would never make it, if someone didn't answer . . .


Michael hurriedly crammed a couple of essentials in a backpack before leaving his tent. Isabel stared at him as he emerged. He knew an explanation was forthcoming, but he didn't for the life of him have one.

Isabel: "What are you doing?"

Michael: "Max needs help."

Isabel: "What are you talking about? How do you know that?" (her voice slipping into hysteria)

Michael: "I just know."

Isabel: "You're going to leave me here alone, because you just know?!?!"

Michael: (dropping the backpack and grasping her face in both hands) "I can't help it, Isabel. I have to go. I told him to call, if he needed help. He did."

Isabel: (closing her eyes) "Are you sure?"

Michael: "Yes. I'm sure. . . . You'll be o.k. here until we get back. Don't worry . . . "

Isabel: (opening her eyes) "Don't worry? . . . Michael, you must be out of your mind . . . "

Michael: "I'm sorry. I have to go right now. They are in trouble or will be soon."

Isabel: (straightening her spine as was so often her habit these days) "Of course." . . .

Michael: (heart aching for her but helpless to do anything to change the situation) "See you soon."

Isabel: (watching him walk away) "Michael!"

Michael: (turning around with a silent question on his face)

Isabel: "Be careful . . . God, please come back to me . . . "

Michael: "We'll all come back, Isabel.

Isabel: (watching him go) (whispering) "I hope so . . ."


Michael could literally feel the direction that he needed to take. There was no more information than that. Just a feeling. But, he knew it was right. He just had to keep on this track and he would find them . . . eventually . . .


Alex and Max and Liz and Maria were all but exhausted as the next hurdle came into view. Another rise to be crested. Maria silently wondered how in the hell it would even be possible. Her body ached from head to toe now . . . Where in the hell was Prince Charming when you needed him? Probably out feeding his stupid horse . . . . . .


Tess clenched a small fist around a handful of earth and let it slip through her gloved fingers. She could feel the distance between them growing smaller every minute. She licked her lips as she contemplated the victory . . . .

Soon . . . she would have them all . . . and then nothing could save them . . .


Max looked over his shoulder taking in the rag tag appearance of the group that was trying to follow him . . . They were a breath away from done in. No way could they keep going all night, and that's what it would take. Max closed his eyes and silently pleaded for help once more . . . Having no idea whether or not it would come . . .


Michael heard that plea and pushed himself to the breaking point trying to reach Max and more importantly . . . something he didn't want to examine too closely . . . Maria . . .


Tess closed in rapidly on her prey. Her mouth practically watered as she contemplated the capture . . . Excitement spread through her tiny, body as vicious thoughts flooded her mind. Thoughts of having Max imprisoned and at her mercy. With Liz in captivity as well, the possibilities were endless . . .


Max and Liz and Alex and Maria made it to the top of the next hill and all but collapsed on the spot. They were completely spent . . . If help didn't arrive soon, it would be over and a whole new horror would begin . . . They sank down on the ground. Max pulled Liz close to his side and held her tightly kissing her forehead and willing her to be strong and not to give up . . .


Michael made his way as quickly as possible over sand and bramble and stone . . . He knew he was close . . . Just a bit more and he'd be there . . .


Max looked over his shoulder and felt his heart sink. Tess and her minions were closing in on them fast. He pulled Liz even closer to him as if he could ward them off with the effort . . .

Maria and Alex watched as days worth of effort went down the drain . . . Maria felt the sting of tears at the back of her eyes as she tasted the futility of the past few days.


Michael practically crawled up the next hill, but he knew it was imperative. They were in so much trouble . . . If he didn't make it now . . . . he had to make it . . .


Max and Liz both looked in the opposite direction at the same time. Taking their eyes off the enemy had been a powerfully effective move. Now, all they could see was Michael, all but killing himself to get to them before Tess did. He was more than determined . . . . And hope was an extremely effective stimulant . . .


Maria caught her first glance of Prince Charming . . . sweaty and WAY behind, but nonetheless chivalrous . . . He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen . . .


Max and Liz and Alex looked as if they were watching a ping pong tournament as their heads bobbed back and forth to see who would make it to them first . . .


Maria never had any doubt . . . . . Michael might be slow, but he was never ever late . . . .


Tess surveyed the scene unfolding before her with a critical eye and wondered what to do now . . .

If she pursued this attack, she risked more damage than she could afford at this point. They still lacked knowledge of exactly what was going on, but if they joined forces . . .

She halted momentarily to assess the exact proximity of this new addition to the equation . . .


Michael gauged the distance between the group and himself. It wasn't so much now . . . He could make it and he knew it . . .


Tess knew it, too. She pulled back quickly, but not quickly enough . . .


Michael stood and sought out his target with single minded determination . . . . Raising his right hand, he closed his eyes as blinding, white light, spewed forth with the force of his emotions and implacable will . . .


Tess shrieked in dismay and called the retreat as the damage came in by the earful . . .


Maria watched in stunned amazement that was nonetheless convinced of it's basis in fact . . . Michael had saved them. He had crawled up over the top of that hill and rescued them as if he were riding that white horse . . . So what if there was no horse in sight . . .


Max and Liz and Alex and Maria, empowered by the recent turn of events, sprinted for the hilltop with all they had and some they didn't. They made it in short order to find an exhausted but pleased Michael on his knees panting for breath.

Maria staggered backwards and with one hand on her hip surveyed his pathetic appearance . . .

Maria: "Well, at least you weren't feeding the damn horse . . . "

Michael looked up with an expression of complete and total bewilderment on his exhausted face . . .


Isabel smiled stiffly but sincerely at the woman who held out a plate to her with a small child peeping around her hip with huge, frightened eyes. For just this one minute in a hellish day, Isabel pulled completely out of herself and handing the plate to the woman, held out her arms to the child. Slowly, the little one let go of his mother's leg and moved into Isabel's embrace. The child relaxed against her and Isabel closed her eyes as her emotions threatened to spill over and that just would not do. Children should never suffer or be afraid the way this one had been. In fact, he had never known a secure day until they had rescued them from the hands of their enemies, and even then they had been on the run constantly. Isabel never knew exactly why she was so attached to this little boy, but maybe it was his name. Alex. How ironic life could be!! He pulled away and looked at her, and Isabel would have sworn that his "too old" eyes knew what she had been thinking. He smiled a very shy smile as he backed away towards his mom, who also smiled at Isabel to express her gratitude.

They moved away and since they had been the last in line for food this evening, Isabel stretched and rubbed her neck with one hand and her lower back with the other. They should be back . . . soon. If they were coming back . . .

Isabel closed her eyes for a moment more and fought the tears that were just under the surface since Michael had left. The loneliness she had experienced in the last 36 hours had been suffocating. Last night, alone in her tent, she had fought for breath as the fear surrounded her . . . claustrophobic in it's very presence . . .


Liz glanced up at the stars as they started to shine brilliantly in a darkening sky. Night was falling again. How long had she been gone? She had lost track of days, since the sojourn had begun . . . Max suddenly stopped and Liz waited patiently for him to tell them what to do next. Her mind had gone on auto-pilot since Michael had saved them. When she was told to walk, she walked. When she was told to stop, she stopped. When she was told to sit, she sat. When she was told to eat, she ate. No thought was actually necessary or even welcome at this point. The only thing that mattered now was the ability to follow orders without question.

Max: "We'll stop here for tonight."

Michael: "Are you sure we should, Max?"

Before Max could reply, Maria found her voice.

Maria: (scathingly) "Uh, excuse me, but not all of us can walk all day and all night, too."

Michael: (pain passing quickly across his face and then hidden) "You'd be surprised what you can do when your life depends on it."

Maria said nothing, but wondered about the hurt expression on Michael's face before it had been so carefully banished. She felt guilty for putting it there. She felt guilty? She'd be damned if she'd feel guilty in this situation. He might've saved their lives, but that didn't wipe out everything that had happened between them before he left. They hadn't said a single word to one another since he joined their little entourage . . . until now.

The group made their way into one of many small clearings that they had seen over the past few days. Max and Liz sat down together to rest for a few minutes, while Michael stared after them. Not surprised really, but concerned. Max had informed him in clear and succinct terms about the nature of his relationship with Liz Parker these days. He really hadn't needed to say anything, though. Any fool could see that they were like one person . . . Max's eyes were never far from Liz, nor hers from him. If there was the slightest hint of danger, he was reaching for her before the conscious thought could've formed in his mind. He would die for her. Michael didn't hear Maria walk up behind him until she spoke.

Maria: "Alex and I were wondering what we're supposed to do now. Max is . . . preoccupied, so . . . " (hating the way they were so dependent on these aliens for every little thing)

Michael: (hearing the malevolence in her voice and feeling weary beyond description) "Just rest for now."

She turned and walked away without a backwards glance, and Michael passed a hand along his forehead in an expression of resigned defeat.

Alex: (to Maria) "What did you say to Michael?"

Maria: (defensive) "Nothing. Why?"

Alex: (shrugging) "I don't know. He just looks . . . not like Michael."

Maria: (purposely not glancing back over her shoulder to where Michael had been standing) "He looks just the same as ever to me."

Alex: "O.k."

Maria: "O.k? What's that supposed to mean? That's like, 'If you say so, Maria, but I'm not buying it.' "

Alex: (nodding his head in agreement) "O.k."

Maria: "Dammit Alex!"

Alex: "Look. All I'm saying is I don't think you're the most objective person in the world where he's concerned."

Maria: (thinking this over briefly) "No. That's not true. I'm perfectly objective."

Alex: "Fine. Can we get some rest now?"

Maria: (with an expression of nonchalance) "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Alex: "O.k. Good." (shaking his head and wondering if he would ever understand women)


Max woke up later that night and found Liz sitting up beside him . . . not sleeping.

Max: "Liz. What are you doing? You have to get some rest."

Liz looked at him sadly but said nothing.

Max: "You're afraid to go to sleep now, aren't you?"

Liz: "I can't help it, Max. That's how she found us . . . "

Max: "You have to sleep. We have a long way to go still."

Liz: (eyes filling with tears because he was right) "I know . . . "

Max sat up and pulled her into his arms, "We'll think of something, Liz. Don't worry." Liz wiped the tears off her face and smiled at him bravely. Max wondered if he would ever get used to seeing that particular expression on her face. It hurt him inside to know that he was the reason she looked that way.

Liz: "Stop feeling sorry for me. I'm where I want to be. I'm the only place I could possibly ever be."

Max took a deep breath and pulled her face close and kissed her gently. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled lightly until Max relaxed and followed her down. Easing onto her back, she felt her body changing . . . expectantly. Max knew he should be letting her sleep right now, but just that quickly she had forced every thought out of his mind. His body was on fire. This need they felt for each other overshadowed every other priority . . . and, here, in this place, fear could not come in.


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