FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"Exploring Avenues"
Part 4
by Mary N.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but I wish I did! But the ideas for this story are mine.
Summary: This is primarily a Max and Liz story, but it includes all of the characters, and more than likely a few of my own invention. It starts in the cave after Nasedo/Peirce leaves in Destiny. The pod squad tries to active the orbs, but nothing happens, which means Liz never walks a way. To find out what they do learn who they are you'll have to read my story. I hope you enjoy it, be sure to leave me your thoughts if you want me to continue this.
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Authors Note: The original idea for this story was sent to me by a friend, but it has taken on a life of its own and headed into a new direction.
Max called a meeting between of the original six. They all agreed to meet at Michael's apartment as soon as possible. Max and Liz enter Michael's apartment and quickly realize they are the last to arrive. Both breathing a sigh of relief that they don't have to postpone what they have to tell the others.

"What's the emergency Maxwell, and why all the secrecy?" Michael asks impatiently.

Max can feel how anxious everyone is to know what is going on, so he wastes no time before beginning to explain. "First off, I'm sure we all agree that Tess hears nothing about what we're going to talk about. He looks around the room, looking into the faces of the only five people he completely trusts in this world or any other. " Liz is experiencing visions again."

Michael sits up straighter in his seat on the couch. "I'm assuming these visions are different from the last ones."

"Yes, they're different, actually it's different. She's only had one thus far."

"But, you think there will be more?" Alex inquirers curiously.

"It's a very strong possibility, yes."

Maria figures now that it's been established why they are here, she wants to know what they have learned. "What did you see in this vision Liz?"

"It's nothing really big, at least it doesn't seem to be. I saw Max, he was probably two or three. He was sitting next to a women and a man. I think they must have been his parents, and the woman was holding a new born baby."

"Do you think it was Me?" Isabel asks.

"The baby was so young still, I really couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy. However, from the impression I had, I'd say it wasn't you. Sorry Isabel."

"That's it? We're all here because Liz is having visions of Max's childhood?" Michael asks sarcastically, he's disappointed and frustrated, because he'd hoped these vision would be of some great importance. Something that would help them active the orbs, or even better, finally lead them home, or provide answers he's been searching for his entire life.

Isabel on the other hand is excited by the news. A smile graces her face as she ponders what the implications of this could be. *Is it possible Max and I have another brother or sister out there somewhere? If so, why wasn't he or she sent here with us? Could this vision and other to follow be leading us to him or her? I wonder what else we'll learn from the visions. * Isabel doesn't have much time to think about these things before the conversation continues around her.

"That's not the point Michael. The point is it's happening again, and that Liz is hearing the same beeping noise as before."

Michael's hopes are quickly rekindled, and it echoes in his voice. "Are you saying there could be another orb out there, and that these visions might be clues of how to find it?"

"I don't know Michael, but it is a possibility. I mean, it would explain why we couldn't get the orbs to work if there is another one." Max explains with the sound of reason.

Max looks at Liz, they talked about this before coming over, and decided that they needed to let everyone know what was going on. He wants to make sure she is still comfortable with it. Liz smiles simply and nods for him to continue. "Yeah, we believe there will be. Do you remember the last time Liz was having visions?"

Maria's been thinking back to the last time Liz was having visions, and how she and Max got into a lot of trouble. First disturbing their Chemistry class and ended up in detention. Then they were caught making out in the eraser room and the principal called in their mothers. After that things only got worse. Maria, herself caught them getting a little too friendly in Michael's Apartment. That wasn't even the worst of it. Then both Max and Liz disappeared into the night and upset both sets of parents.

Maria is worrying, *What if Liz and Max experience the same increase in their need to be together like they did last time. What if this time they go beyond? Beyond as in, to the ultimate of all ultimates, and actually do it.* She watches her friends very closely, and has been every since all of this started, and is acutely aware that all of the signs are there.

Neither, Max nor Liz seems to be able to resist touching the other, in some form or another. Max has one arm draped around Liz's shoulders and is continually rubbing his hand tenderly up and down the base of her neck and down over her shoulder. That's not so bad Maria tells herself, but then again, the way Liz is staring all starry eyed up into Max's eyes and lips are a different story. The whole sight seemed unreal considering the purpose of this meeting and the fact that Liz is having visions again. The final straw comes when Maria observes the couple engage in eye contact, and apparently have a private conversation which causes Liz to blush.

Before Max and Liz have a chance to tell everyone that they are being drawn to each other, Maria stands to her feet saying, "Oh no Liz! Tell me that what I'm thinking is wrong. You two aren't at it again, are you."

"If you mean we can't seem to stay away from each other, then sorry Maria, I can't."

"This brings us to the other part of our problem." Max steps behind Liz wrapping his arms around her waste pulling her tightly against him. "It's finals week, and remembering how we couldn't stay away from each other the last time, and feeling the same . . . " Max searches for the right word to use. The First words that come to mind are desire, lust, cravings, longing, passion, but he doesn't think any of these words would help their case with their friends. He chooses a more mild word instead. " . . . need to be together, we realize it's going to be hard. We feel we need to play this out, in order to figure out what this vision and any others will lead us to. And at the same time we can't risk getting into that kind of trouble with our parents as we did last time. We may need your guys help covering for of us."

"I get it, we're supposed to cover for you, while you go at it like a couple of rabbits in heat." Alex announces causing both Max and Liz to turn a deep crimson. He receives his reward when Isabel slaps him on the arm. Alex got of easy compared to Michael, Maria jabs him in the ribs with her elbow for laughing at Alex's inappropriate comment. Both Michael and Alex cry out at the same time. "Ouch!"

Back on the serious side, Alex has a question he feels needs to be brought to everyone's attention. "What I don't get is why Liz. I mean, if Tess is telling the truth, and the four of you were predestined to be paired up, then why is Liz the one having these visions?"

"I'd like the answer to that too. Is it because I'm the one with Max, If Tess was the one he was with, would she be the one seeing these things? Or is there more to this?"

"All we could do is speculate at this point. There would only be one way to find out that answer, and I'm not willing to participate. Besides, if these visions where meant to be seen by my supposed predestined mate, then I would be drawn to her, right? But I'm not Liz, I'm drawn to you, you know that. I'm drawn to you in a way that's unfathomable to anyone who hasn't experienced it. If I even try to resist touching you, my whole body aches. I can't imagine feeling this way for anybody but you Liz. I love you." Max brushes his lips gently across Liz's lips.

"This could mean what we have all suspected at one time or another, which is that Tess and Nesado are lying to us. If they are, then the question is why?" Isabel says stating the obvious. She never liked the idea of being paired up with Michael, it just doesn't feel right.

"Maybe that's the purpose of the visions. Someone or something, the orb maybe, could be trying to lead Max, Michael, and Isabel to the truth." Alex suggests as he squeezes Isabel's hand.

"Which is another reason not to tell the blonde bimbo about Liz having visions. If this is the way we're going to find out the truth, and she knew about it. She would definitely try to do something to stop it." Injects Maria.

"There is another possibility." Michael's had suspicions about the dreams him and Isabel seemed to have shared, every since he found out that Tess could make people see things that really weren't there. "What if Tess is sending these images? We know she's capable of it. Liz, she could be sending these visions to you in an attempt to get you to back off. You know by convincing you that Max is supposed to be with her."

"He could be right, the dream I was having sure felt real, I was even convinced that I could have been pregnant with Michael's baby. Then when we were trying to rescue Max, she made me see a man grab her and start to carry her away. I didn't know it wasn't really until after when she was still beside me. What she does, feel so real you can't see the difference." Isabel feels it time to stress the point. She knows Tess is up to something, even if she doesn't know what. "Max, Liz, not to scare you, but Tess is starting to show her true colors. Today in history after you both came in looking like you did. Tess had a look of pure hatred in her eyes. I'm telling you both, don't trust everything you see in the visions, or otherwise. She hasn't given up on Max, and I'd bet my life on it, that she will do whatever she feels she needs to, in order to get you Max. These visions coming now aren't by some coincidence. They are either to guide us to the truth, someone who can tell us the truth, or they're coming from Tess. Tess could be sending them in order to convince Liz that she shouldn't be with Max, because Tess believes Liz is the only thing standing between him and her."

*There is no way I am going to lose the one person I love most in this world because of Tess Harding. If she wants to play games with Liz or any of the people I care about, she is in for one rude awakening.* Max squeezes Liz shoulders a little tighter reassuring her that everything is going to be fine. "I agree, we're going to have to trust each other more than we ever have. She could try breaking us all up, by planting doubts in our minds. Whatever we do, we have to trust each other no mater what things may look like. However, I don't think Tess has anything to do with the visions Liz's is getting. We've never mentioned to Tess or Nesado that Liz even gets these visions. Besides, I highly doubt that Tess would encourage the feeling's Liz and I have for each other which seems to be either an effect of the visions or what causes them."

Their meeting comes to a sudden halt when they hear a knock on the door. "Who could it be?" Whispers Isabel, suspecting who it is.

Michael gets up from the couch an walks over to the door, he looks out the peek hole as the person knocks again. Seeing that it's the last person any of them want to see. He takes a deep breathe to calm himself, "Yep, it's Tess." He opens the door slowly knowing there is no way of avoiding her at this point. "Hey Tess, come on in."

Part 3 | Index | Part 5
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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